• practice entering “black” = played correctly, “white” = played incorrectly.
Review Completed
Opus #3
Up, Down and Same
UP, DOWN & SAME - Pitch/Melody: Pitches or
melody may move upward or downward or stay
the same.
Identify melodic direction.
Compose accompaniment and percussion piece
using registers and music direction.
- up (to the right), down (to the left), same,
glissando, trill
- up (to the right), down (to the left), same,
glissando, trill
up, down, glissando, trill (do you want to give
example of notched clusters here?)
NOTE: 4 symbols as in song 3
Assessment (Quiz 3) – Students determine if cluster, percussion, or melodic patterns move up, down
or stay the same.
Assessment (Quiz 3) – Students determine if cluster, percussion, or melodic patterns move up, down
or stay the same.
Assessment (Quiz 3) – Students determine if cluster, percussion, or melodic patterns move up, down
or stay the same.
Repertoire: The Noble Duke of York, Easter Overture, Rhapsody in Blue
Repertoire: The Noble Duke of York, Easter Overture, Rhapsody in Blue
Repertoire: The Noble Duke of York, Easter Overture, Rhapsody in Blue
National Standards:
1. NS 2, 5
2. NS 1, 2, 5
3. NS 2
4. NS 2, 4, 5
5. NS 6
S. 2, 4, 5
R. 6
State/Local Standards:
State/Local Standards:
Sequence of Activities:
1. Identify & Play - High, middle and low registers (Worksheet 3/Chart 3)
A. Normal Mode Have students:
• review playing clusters of two or three black keys very high, high, middle, low and very low.
B. Chart 3 Write patterns of two or three black keys on Chart 3 and introduce directions of “up”,
“down” and “same”. Have students:
• describe direction, then shape each pattern.
• play each pattern.
• write original patterns on Worksheet 3. Worksheet 3
C. Write selected students’ new patterns on overhead for all students to play.
Split Mode Lesson Completed
2. Sing & Play – The Noble Duke of York: Part 1 (Song 3)
A. Play Song Sing melody of The Noble Duke Of York. Have students:
• sing melody with song.
• sing melody as they tap steady beat.
B. To learn Part 1, direct students to:
• find “up” and “down” in lyrics.
• find arrows.
• describe direction of arrows.
C. Demonstrate and introduce terms ‘glissando’ and ‘trill’.
D. Let students:
• practice glissandi and trill of Part 1. Speakers Off
• take turns playing or tracking Part 1 with song. Play Song Speakers On