R. Review
A. Note Monitor Have students:
• practice entering various major and corresponding (parallel) minor pentachords (C, G, D, A,
B. Play various major and minor triads. Ask students to:
• identify triads as minor or major.
• practice entering “black” = minor, “white” = major.
Review Completed
Opus 30
Major Scale and Diatonic Triads
Melody: Pitches may be grouped to form a set, e.g.,
pentachord, scale, mode, tone row.
Recognize, play and read C major scale and
diatonic triads.
Compose with C major scale and diatonic triads.
- C major scale, diatonic triads, major, minor,
diminished, scale, tetrachord, melodic contour or
direction, home tone
- C major scale, diatonic triads, major, minor,
diminished, scale, tetrachord, melodic contour or
direction, home tone
C major scale on grand staff
Assessment (Quiz 36) – Students will enter various triads, then determine if triads heard are major,
minor or diminished. Students will also enter a C major scale, then listen to scale patterns to
determine if pattern is major scale or not major scale.
Assessment (Quiz 36) – Students will enter various triads, then determine if triads heard are major,
minor or diminished. Students will also enter a C major scale, then listen to scale patterns to
determine if pattern is major scale or not major scale.
Assessment (Quiz 36) – Students will enter various triads, then determine if triads heard are major,
minor or diminished. Students will also enter a C major scale, then listen to scale patterns to
determine if pattern is major scale or not major scale.
Repertoire: Chumbara, Pianists from Carnival of the Animals, Somewhere Out There, The Banana Boat
Repertoire: Chumbara, Pianists from Carnival of the Animals, Somewhere Out There, The Banana Boat
Repertoire: Chumbara, Pianists from Carnival of the Animals, Somewhere Out There, The Banana Boat
National Standards:
1. NS 2,5
2. NS 2,5
3. NS 1,2
4. NS 2
5. NS 6
S. NS 4
R. NS 6
State/Local Standards:
State/Local Standards:
Sequence of Activities:
1. Play - C major pentachord and C major scale (Chart 20)
A. Speakers Off Ensemble Mode Play patterns using notes in C major pentachord. Let students:
• imitate patterns.
• play C major pentachord patterns for partners to imitate.
B. Repeat activity using notes in C major scale. Have students:
• discuss what notes are added.
• decide how to play new eight note scale (introduce “tetrachord” and suggested fingerings).
C. Speakers On Chart 20 Introduce term “major scale”. Have students:
• play each note in ascending order, beginning on middle C.
• identify whole and half-steps.
• discuss “formula” for creating a major scale. (W-W-h-W-W-W-h)
• repeat in descending order and identify each whole and half-step.
• create other major scales starting on new home tones (i.e. G, D, A, F).
Split Mode Lesson Completed
2. Read and Play - Melodies with C Major scale (Chart 20)
A. Chart 20 Play Example 1 (treble clef) on Chart 20. Have students:
• identify note names.
• determine fingerings.
• play Example 1.
B. Continue with Example 2 (bass clef). Encourage students to: