A. Play Song Joshua Fit The Battle. Speakers Off Have students:
• identify chord symbols (Cm, Fm, Gm).
• compare notes in keyboard part to leadsheet chord symbols.
• practice playing chord symbols as blocked triads.
• play triads with song Speakers On
OPTION: Encourage students to play written keyboard accompaniment.
B. Have students:
• suggest other ways chord symbols could be realized (i.e. arpeggios).
• create a new keyboard accompaniment. Speakers Off
• play with melody. Speakers On Play Melody
Lesson Completed
4. Listen - Major and Minor Triads
A. Play Song Black Is The Color Of My True Love's Hair. It uses Cm, Fm and Gm triads.:.. Have stu-
• discover key of excerpt (C minor). Speakers Off
• identify order of chords using i, iv, v. (–i, v, i, iv, v, i, iv, i, iv, i, v, i).
• play each chord with excerpt.
B. Play Song Treat performed by Santana. Have students:
• identify minor triad as G.
• identify major triad as C.
• play triads with song.
Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis: Play - Scarborough Fair (major & minor triads) (Song 42)
A. Play Song Scarborough Fair. Ask students to:
• locate and play D minor and C major triads.
• play chords with melody. Play Melody
B. Have students:
• practice creating new accompaniment pattern (i.e. broken chord, different rhythm, etc.) based
on chord symbols.
• play with melody. Play Melody
Synthesis Completed
R. Review
A. Have students:
• practice entering various minor triads.
B. Play major or minor triads. Have students:
• practice entering “black” = major, “white” = minor.
C. Play various progressions of major and minor triads. Have students:
• describe progression in terms of major and minor (i.e. m, m, M, m).
• describe progression in terms of roman numerals (i.e. i-ii-V-i).
Review Completed
Opus 35
12 Bar Blues
CHORD PROGRESSIONS– Harmony: Harmony may be
created by patterns of single pitches, intervals or chords.
Recognize and play standard chord
progressions (i.e. 12 bar blues)
- tria, chord, chord progression, 12 bar blues
- tria, chord, chord progression, 12 bar blues
Assessment (Quiz 38) –Students will listen to various chord progressions and determine what they
Assessment (Quiz 38) –Students will listen to various chord progressions and determine what they
Assessment (Quiz 38) –Students will listen to various chord progressions and determine what they
Repertoire: At The Hop, Lollipop, Bongo Beep, Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On, Little Star
Repertoire: At The Hop, Lollipop, Bongo Beep, Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On, Little Star
Repertoire: At The Hop, Lollipop, Bongo Beep, Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On, Little Star
National Standards:
1. NS
2. NS
3. NS
4. NS
5. NS
State/Local Standards:
State/Local Standards:
Sequence of Activities:
1. Listen – 12 Bar Blues
A. Point out that 12 bar blues progressions have been used in hundreds of jazz, blues and rock compo-
sitions. Write the 12-bar blues progression on overhead (I-I-I-I-IV-IV-I-I-V7-IV-I-I) Play Song Bongo
Beep by the Dirty Dozen Brass Band. Have students:
• follow progression with excerpt.
• determine how many times progression was played.
• describe each “section”.(A = Tuba & Drums, B = Add Trumpet and Sax, C = Add Cowbell, D =
Saxophone Improvisation with fade.)
B. Play Song Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On by Jerry Lee Lewis. Have students:
• describe excerpt in terms of 12 Bar Blues (4 bar intro with one time through.
C. Play Song The Thrill is Gone. Encourage students to:
• describe in terms of 12 Bar Blues.
Note: This is a modified 12 bar blues as minor chords are used.
Lesson Completed
2. Read & Play – At The Hop (Song 43)
A. Play Song At The Hop. Have students:
• describe in terms of 12 bar blues.
B. Split – Bass Have students:
• locate G7 chord symbol on leadsheet.
• build a G7 chord one note at a time (1
• practice leadsheet chords. Speakers Off
Note: The only 7
chord is G7.
• play chords with song. Speakers On Play Song
C. Have students:
• build a C7 chord one note at a time (1