B. Create 3 to 4 note phrases using C-D-E. (Sing: start-same-skip-same, OR 1-1-3-3, OR C-C-E-E) Have
• listen to a one-measure melodic pattern using steps, skips or same.
• shape melodic pattern.
• sing melodic pattern.
• play melodic pattern.
• continue imitating melodic patterns with rhythm accompaniment. Play Rhythm
Split Reset Lesson Completed
3. Listen - Melody may move up or down by step, skip or stay the same
A. Have students:
• discuss patterns they have imitated.
• decide if an entire song could be made out of small patterns such as these.
• discuss if most songs seem more complicated than just one simple pattern.
B. Play Song Happy Together by the Turtles. Explain that this piece has sections that are made up pri-
marily of steps and sections that are made of skips. Ask students to:
• keep a tally of the number of times they hear step-wise melodic pattern.
• compare tallies at conclusion of excerpt.
• listen again and keep a tally of the number of times they hear skips in the melody.
C. Play Song Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2 by Pink Floyd. The melody in this piece consists of
only three notes (D-E-F). Have students:
• air-play step pattern 1-2-3 along with the music.
• play pattern/melody with music.
• play the piece by having one partner improvise with keyboard percussion, while other plays
the melody.
Left: * Rock Guitar *
Right: * Percussion *
Right: * Rock Guitar * Right: * Percussion *
D. Ask students to:
• estimate how many different combinations are possible, playing fingers 1, 2 and 3 (C-D-E).
• imagine a piece that combines these patterns.
• discuss what it would sound like.
E. Play Song Segera Madu performed by a Balinese gamelan ensemble. Tell students this complex
melody is simply a continuous stream of 1-2-3 patterns, most of which they have already played. Have
• listen to 1-2-3 patterns in the melody.
• discuss how they can tell a step from a skip. How do the two sound different?
Speakers On Lesson Completed
4. Read & Create - Steps, skips and same (Charts 3 & 4)
A. Chart 3 Write a step pattern on Chart 3 and play on A-B-C. Ask students to:
• describe melodic pattern.
• place right hands on A-B-C and imitate pattern.
• describe music notation by discovering that space-line-space = steps.
Note: To assist in this activity and subsequent activities, use pennies as manipulatives on overhead
B. Create several melodic patterns using steps and same on Chart 3 (treble or bass clef). Let students:
• shape each pattern.
• air play each pattern.
• play on keyboard with specified hand and fingers in correct register.
• create their own patterns on overhead for other students to read and play.
NOTE: Add rhythm when possible. Play Rhythm
C. Chart 4 Split Treble Write a skip pattern on Chart 4 using high C-D-E.
Ask students to:
• describe melodic pattern.
• place right hands on C-D-E and imitate pattern.
• describe music notation by discovering that space-space or line-line = skips.
D. Create several melodic patterns using steps, skips and same on Chart 4 (treble or bass clef). Let stu-
• shape each pattern.
• air play each pattern.
• play on keyboard with specified hand and fingers in correct register.
• create individual patterns on overhead for other students to read and play. NOTE: Add rhythm
when possible. Play Rhythm
Split Reset Lesson Completed
5. Play - Zum Gali Gali: Parts 1 & 2 (Song 8 and/or 9)
A. Play Student Part 1 Zum Gali Gali Have students:
• track Part 1.
• discuss steps/same, rhythm patterns and melodic patterns that are the same.
• identify repeat signs.
• air play Part 1 as they chant “step/same” or finger numbers.
• place right hands, fingers 1-2-3, on high A-B-C and play Part 1.
• take turns (partners) playing or tracking Part 1 with song. Play Song
B. Play Student Part 2 Split Treble Have students:
• track Part 2.
• discuss steps/skips/same, rhythm patterns and melodic patterns that are the same.
• air play Part 2 as they chant “step/same” or finger numbers.
• place right hands, fingers 1-2-3, on C-D-E and play Part 2.
• take turns (partners) playing or tracking Part 2 with song. Play Song
Option: Play Zum Gali Gali with students reading from Version B (parts written on 5-line staves).
Zum Gali Gali Version B
Split Reset
Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis: Create & Write - 4 ms. patterns using steps/skips/same (Worksheet 6)
A. Worksheet 6 Speakers Off Using Worksheet 6, have students:
• create/write four measures with 4-beat patterns each using steps, skips, same (A-B-C-D-E).
• play melody for class. Speakers On
• Option: record melody with rhythm accompaniment.
Option: Encourage students to compose melody in bass clef (C-D-E-F-G).
Synthesis Completed
R. Review (Charts 3 & 4)
A. Note Monitor Chart 3 Create four-note patterns that start on A. Have students:
• echo by using phrases such as 'start-same-step-step' (A-A-B-C).
• play melodic patterns by reading from Chart 3.
• practice entering pitches high A, B and C (in any order).
B. Chart 4 Create one-measure patterns that start on C. Have students:
• echo by using phrases such as 'start-step-step-same' (C-D-E-E) or 'start-skip-same-same' (C-E-
• play melodic patterns by reading from Chart 4.
• practice entering pitches middle C, D and E (in any order).
Review Completed