General Description and Features
The keyboard is a five-octave keyboard (C1 to C6) play-
ing the same voice in all five octaves.
The keyboard is split into two separate two-octave key-
boards. The divider should be in place. Middle C moves
to the solid triangles t above and below the Middle C
point found in the Normal mode (C2 for the left side and
C5 for the right).
When the Accompaniment mode is selected, the key-
board is split at the ACCOMPANIMENT vertical mark,
which can be found above G2. The keys to the right of
the vertical line remain in Normal mode with Middle C
at C3. Each key to the left of the vertical line mark plays
chords and bass notes in an arrangement preset by the
selected rhythm.
The way in which chords are played or indicated with
your left hand (in the accompaniment section of the key-
board) is referred to as “fingering”. There are 2 types of
fingerings as described below.
SINGLE (Single Finger mode)
MAJOR CHORDS: are produced by the key correspond-
ing to the root of the desired chord.
MINOR CHORDS: are produced by pressing the root
note and any black key to the left of the root.
DOMINANT 7TH CHORDS: are produced by pressing
the root note and any white key to the left of the root.
MINOR 7TH CHORDS: are produced by pressing the
root note and a white and black key to the left of the
FINGERED (Fingered mode)
The Fingered mode lets you play full chords for the ac-
companiment section of the keyboard (i.e., all keys to
the left of and including the split-point key –F#2), while
the MIE-3XG supplies appropriately orchestrated rhythm,
bass and chord accompaniment in the selected style.
This mode recognizes the following chords:
Diagram 5.1 Range for Accomp Mode