Instructional Planning
As with any instructional endeavor, Music in Education
does require instructional planning and decision-making
on the part of the music educator. In preparing to teach
any aspect of the MIE Curriculum, the following points
will assist in this preparation:
1. Read through entire Opus or Prelude (either on
screen or via the pdf that will be found in your com-
puter's Document folder)
2. Read the Opus Note for the speciļ¬c Opus (either via
the 'Opus Info' button in the software or Section 9 of
the Music in Education Teacher Resources. Make note
of the teaching strategies for the grade level of your
students (elementary vs. secondary) NOTE: Add your
own state/local standards directly on the OpusFull.pdf
which was copied to your Documents folder during
the install of the MIE software.
3. Listen to all music examples, making sure tempos and
orchestrations are to your liking. (Remember that Sec-
tion 7 - Reference of the Music in Education Teacher
Resources contains complete information on the lis-
tening excerpts).
4. Determine which aspects of each lesson within the
Opus you will and will not use [might be different for
each class].
5. Read Quiz Info.
6. Listen to all quiz examples [practice adjusting the vol-
ume controls on quiz question if necessary].
7. Practice using the remote control [pre-load songs you
will be using and determine which presets will be use-
8. Establish housekeeping parameters (covers [on or off],
headsets [rack or speaker], books [open or closed]).
9. Make clear your management [discipline conse-
quences] for infringements (vandalism on keyboards
has same consequence as harming any technology at
school - computers, etc.).
10.Organize needed transparencies (if using LCD projec-
tor system, make sure dual monitor settings are cor-