• build an F7 chord.
• compare bass accompaniment to leadsheet symbols.
• discover where bass accompaniment uses added 7
• practice bass accompaniment. Speakers Off
• play bass accompaniment with melody. Speakers On Play Melody
Split – Reset Lesson Completed
3. Listen & Play – Lollipop (I-vi-IV-V7) Chord Progression (Song 44)
A. Explain that other “standard” chord progressions. Write I-vi-IV-V7 on overhead. Play Song Little
Star by The Elegants. Have students:
• follow progression with excerpt.
• determine how many times progression was played.
• Option: In key of A major, play progression with song. Speakers Off
B. Play Song Lollipop. Have students:
• locate I-vi-IV-V7 chords in C major.
• practice chord progression.
• play with song. Speakers On
Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis: Read & Play – Bass Riffs (Chart 26)
A. Chart 26 Split – Bass Have students:
• play Bass Riff 1.
• transpose riff to F and G (IV & V chords).
• practice riff in 12 bar blues progression. Speakers Off
play riff with melody. Speakers On Play Melody At The Hop
• continue with Bass Riffs 2, 3 & 4 on Chart 26.
B. Have students:
• play Bass Riff 5.
• discover that riff follows I-vi-IV-V progression.
• practice riff.
play riff with melody. Play Melody Lollipop
• continue with Bass Riff 6 on Chart 26.
Split – Reset Lesson Completed
R. Review
A. Note Monitor Silent Keyboards Write 12 bar blues and I-vi-IV-V7-I progressions on overhead.
Play a progression. Have students:
• practice entering “A” = 12 bar blues progression, “B” = I-vi-IV-V-I progression, “C” = neither
Note: Make sure all examples played are 12 measures in length.
Sound On Keyboards Review Completed
Opus 36
VARIATIONS – Pitch/Melody: Melody may be changed,
or varied as it is performed.
Recognize & play variations of a melody.
Create melodic variations.
- F major pentachord, variation, form, tie, same, similar, different, single accompaniment, fingered
- F major pentachord, variation, form, tie, same, similar, different, single accompaniment, fingered
Assessment (Quiz 34) – Variations: Students will hear a melody twice and determine whether the
second was the same or a variation, then listen to a familiar melody and determine if the variation was
melodic, rhythmic or both.
Assessment (Quiz 34) – Variations: Students will hear a melody twice and determine whether the
second was the same or a variation, then listen to a familiar melody and determine if the variation was
melodic, rhythmic or both.
Repertoire: When the Saints Go Marching In, John Come Kiss Me Now Variations, Variations on The
Carnival of Venice, Happy Birthday Variations, Skip To My Lou
Repertoire: When the Saints Go Marching In, John Come Kiss Me Now Variations, Variations on The
Carnival of Venice, Happy Birthday Variations, Skip To My Lou
National Standards:
1. NS
2. NS
3. NS
4. NS
5. NS
State/Local Standards:
Sequence of Activities:
1. Listen - Variations
A. Tell students that musicians love to "show off" their abilities by taking a familiar theme and making
up variations. Play Song Excerpt from Leonid Hambro's Happy Birthday Variations In Ludwig's
Style. Often, a talented performer with a good sense of humor will take a familiar melody and cre-
ate imitative variations based on some other performer's or composer's style. Have students:
• identify techniques for creating variations (adding notes, register, rhythm, tonality, tempo).
• discuss how much of a melody can be changed and still be recognizable.
B. Play Song Variations on The Carnival of Venice by Jean-Baptiste Arban, played by Wynton Marsalis
on cornet. The lyrical theme is followed by two variations. Encourage students to:
• identify what has changed and what has stayed the same for each variation.
• discuss how theme and variations allow musicians to express themselves using an already
familiar format or melody.
C. Play Song John Come Kiss Me Now by William Byrd. This excerpt is performed on a harpsichord.
Encourage students to:
• identify what has changed and what has stayed the same for each variation.
D. Play Song Fugue in C - Fuga Vulgaris by Peter Schickele (P.D.Q. Bach). Have students:
• identify what has changed and what has stayed the same for each variation.
Lesson Completed
2. Read, Play & Listen - Ah Vous Dirais-Je Maman (Song 45)
A. Play Theme Ask students to:
• identify as “theme”.