Interactive 4.7 Taking A Quiz Question
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Quiz Question with Volume Controls
Volume Drawer: Allows changing the
volumes of the individual parts of any
question music content. The “Reset
Volume Sliders” returns all 5 sliders to
their default volume.
As students respond, the seating chart
will display one of the following possi-
1. blank – (see Susie at keyboard 5 and
Jack at keyboard 9) – students have
made NO response at all.
2. ? – (see Lauren at keyboard 2 and
Thacker at keyboard 5) – students
have made an invalid response such
as pressing ENTER with no keys down
for a black/white question.
3. X – (see Kathy at keyboard 2) – stu-
dents have gotten the question wrong.
4. √ – (see Brian and Debbie at key-
board 1) – students have gotten the
question right.
Screenshot 4.7
Quiz Responses