MIE Institute Handbook
Prelude #1
Keyboard Prep
1. Locate/play black and white keys
A. Show black and white keys on mock keyboard. Have students:
• Silent Keyboard practice touching black and white keys on silent keyboards.
• play black and white keys (still silent) to suggested song:
Black keys, white keys, black keys, white keys
give a little clap (Clap hands)
Black keys, white keys, black keys, white keys,
hands go in your lap.
Sound on Keyboards
Activity Completed
2. Chant: Sing and move
Play Swing rhythm Swing KB Percussion On
T - You got your black keys
S - "Ching ching ching" (ti-ta-ti)
T - You got your white keys
S - "Ching ching ching" (ti-ta-ti)
T - Play that cowbell seven times.
S - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Repeat with other percussion sounds such as:
• hand-clap
• bass drum
• claves
• tambourine
KB Percussion Off
Activity Completed
3. If You're Happy: sing/move/play keyboard percussion handclap
Have students:
• sing and move to this song, using their favorite verses.
Play Song If You're Happy and You Know It
• touch black and white keys as indicated in this verse
Section 5
Opus Content
1. Opus 1-10
2. Opus 11-20
3. Opus 21-30
4. Opus 31-40
5. Preludes