• practice theme. Speakers Off
• play theme. Speakers On
B. Play Variation 1 Have students:
• identify what is similar to theme and what is different.
C. Play Variation 2 Have students:
• identify what is similar to theme and what is different.
• compare to Variation 1.
Split Mode Lesson Completed
3. Create & Play - Variations of Ah Vous Dirais-Je Maman
A. Play a variation of theme. Have students:
• identify element of music changed to create variation.
• create a variation by changing any of the following: rhythm, melody, tonality, new key, articula-
tion. Speakers Off
• share variation with class. Speakers On
Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis: Analyze & Evaluate - Themes
A. Discuss that some melodies have more potential than others to be the basis of a “Theme & Varia-
tions” composition. Have students:
• analyze each excerpt in terms of “Theme & Variations” potential.
Play Song The Flight of the Bumblebee
Play Song Three Blind Mice
Play Song Haydn Symphony No. 94 – 2
Play Song Klavierstuck Opus 33A
Play Song Three Blind Mice
Synthesis Completed
R. Review
A. Note Monitor Play America melody. Vary melody and/or rhythm of first phrase.. Ask students to:
• listen to variation and decide what was changed.
• practice entering “black” = melody, “white” = rhythm, “both” = melody and rhythm.
B. Play America melody. Play again as variation, exactly the same, or entirely different melody. Have
• determine whether melody is same, different, or variation.
• practice entering “black” = variation, “white” = same, “both” = different
Review Completed
Opus 37
may be created or changed as it is performed.
Improvise melodies with “blue note”.
Improvise melodies with 12 bar blues
- C, F and G major triads, C major pentachord with a blue note, improvisation, 12-bar blues, chord
progression, accidental
- C, F and G major triads, C major pentachord with a blue note, improvisation, 12-bar blues, chord
progression, accidental
Assessment (Quiz 39) – Students will listen to two melodies and determine how second one changed
(melody, rhythm or both). Then students will listen to a melody and determine if a blue note is used or
Assessment (Quiz 39) – Students will listen to two melodies and determine how second one changed
(melody, rhythm or both). Then students will listen to a melody and determine if a blue note is used or
Repertoire: Prelude No. 1 from “Three Preludes”, Caravan, My Bonnie Lass She Smelleth, At The Hop
Repertoire: Prelude No. 1 from “Three Preludes”, Caravan, My Bonnie Lass She Smelleth, At The Hop
National Standards:
1. NS
2. NS
3. NS
4. NS
5. NS
State/Local Standards:
Sequence of Activities:
1. Listen – Blue Notes & Improvisation
A. Swing Start a Swing Accomp. in Bb Major. Play Bb-C-Db, then Bb-C-D. Indicate “blue note” is
lowered third. Play Song Prelude No.1 from “Three Preludes” by George Gershwin. Have students:
• indicate when a "blue note" is played.
B. Play Song Caravan sung by New York Voices. In this performance, the singer is making everything
up to go with chords in accompaniment. Point out that this kind of improvising is called "scat singing”.
Have students:
• discuss scat style.
• discuss how improvisation is like a conversation (not a script).
C. Play Song My Bonnie Lass She Smelleth by Peter Schickele (P.D.Q. Bach). Have students:
• discuss where the performance moves from composition to improvisation.
• discuss what makes this excerpt humorous.
Lesson Completed
2. Identify & Play – Blue Notes (Chart 27)
Chart 27 Play Chart 27 Example 1 right hand. Have students:
• identify note names and accidentals.
• identify “blue” note (Bb – lowered 7
• practice example with bass riff. Play Bass Riff 1 Speakers Off
• play example with riff. Speakers On
• continue with other bass riffs. Play Bass Riff 2 Play Bass Riff 3 Play Bass Riff 4 NOTE:
These riffs are also available as MIE Tunes (Chart 27 - #1, etc.) and can be "downloaded" to all