• play both measures.
• write pattern on student Worksheet 4, measure 1, Part 2.
Note: Encourage students to align their notation between Part 1 and Part 2.
D. Ensemble Mode Speakers Off Let partners:
• work together to create additional rhythm patterns to complete 8 measure duet.
• write patterns on worksheet.
• assign percussion instruments to each part.
• practice duet.
• record or play for class.
NOTE: Suggest to students that when one part has less motion (quarter/half notes), the other part
should have more motion (eighth/sixteenth notes).
Speakers On
Kbd Perc Off Split Mode Synthesis Completed
R. Review (Charts 11 & 12)
A. Chart 11 Chart 12 Note Monitor Play examples from Charts 11 or 12 (some correctly, some
not). Have students:
• indicate whether pattern was performed correctly by entering “black” = yes, “white” – no.
Review Completed