1. Begin by clicking once on the large blue “Lesson Book” icon...
2. Identify the following information
MIE Version Number (INFO: please have
this number when requesting any kind of
tech support).
Status Area (INFO: displays current class
(if any) and current song (if any).
Date/Time (INFO: displays today’s day and
time – If incorrect, please see your “Date
& Time” System Preference).
Page/Line Up & Down (MOUSE: clicking
arrow scrolls up/down a single line. Click-
ing area between arrows scrolls up/down a
page. NOTE: You can’t scroll up or down
past the text. If nothing happens when you
click, you are at the beginning or end of
the text.)
3. Select other ‘books’ (i.e. GradeBook, Refer-
ence Book)...
Context Buttons: These appear in the top
left corner of the screen and change in rela-
tion to the selected book.
Version Number
Status Area
Interactive 4.1 Version Number, Status Area, and Info
1 2 3