Opus #4
TEMPO – Duration/ Rhythm: Music may move
with a fast, moderate, or slow tempo.
Recognize various tempi and their musical affect.
Analyze & comprehend metronome/tempo
- tempo: fast, moderate, slow; tempo markings,
metronome, metronome markings, tempo (up/down)
buttons, LED beats per minute
- tempo: fast, moderate, slow; tempo markings,
metronome, metronome markings, tempo (up/down)
buttons, LED beats per minute
Assessment (Quiz 4) - Students determine tempo and tempo changes heard in percussion, melodic
and song examples.
Assessment (Quiz 4) - Students determine tempo and tempo changes heard in percussion, melodic
and song examples.
Assessment (Quiz 4) - Students determine tempo and tempo changes heard in percussion, melodic
and song examples.
Repertoire: The Noble Duke of York, The Siamese Cat Song, New River Train, Prelude in C minor,
Rondeau, Salt Peanuts
Repertoire: The Noble Duke of York, The Siamese Cat Song, New River Train, Prelude in C minor,
Rondeau, Salt Peanuts
Repertoire: The Noble Duke of York, The Siamese Cat Song, New River Train, Prelude in C minor,
Rondeau, Salt Peanuts
National Standards:
1. NS 6
2. NS 1, 2, 5
3. NS 1,2 7
4. NS 2, 4, 5
S. NS 6, 7
R. NS 6
State/Local Standards:
State/Local Standards:
Sequence of Activities:
1. Listen & Describe - Tempo may be fast, moderate or slow
A. For each of the following examples, have students:
• describe each tempo by moving/discussing.
Play Song Prelude in C Minor, Opus 28, No. 20 by Frederic Chopin.
Play Song Rondeau by Jean-Joseph Mouret. This Baroque dance is played by a solo trumpet
with orchestral accompaniment.
Play Song Salt Peanuts performed by Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker, notable bee-bop
jazz artists.
Lesson Completed
2. Sing & Play - The Noble Duke Of York: Different tempi (Song 3)
A. Play Song PlayThe Noble Duke Of York at a moderate tempo (half note=84). Direct students to:
• sing melody.
• locate and discuss tempo marking “Moderato".
• locate/discuss metronome marking “half note=84”.
• review Parts 1 and 2 with song. Normal Mode Note Monitor
B. Play song at a faster tempo. Have students:
• sing melody.
• describe new tempo.
• suggest tempo marking (i.e. quickly, allegro).
• play Parts 1 and 2 using faster tempo.
C. Repeat activity with slower tempo (i.e. slowly, largo).
Split Mode Lesson Completed
3. Discuss & Describe – New River Train & Siamese Cat Song: Tempi (Songs 1 & 2)
A. Play Song New River Train. Have students:
• play/sing song.
• suggest appropriate tempo marking for song.
• suggest new tempo marking.
• perform with new tempo.
• discuss how tempo affects character of song.
B. Normal Mode Play Song Siamese Cat Song. Repeat activity.
Split Mode
Lesson Completed
4. Read, Create & Play - Patterns with different tempi (Chart 3/Worksheet 3)
A. Chart 3 Normal Mode Write four-beat cluster patterns on Chart 3 and play with different tempi.
Have students:
• track or shape pattern.
• describe registers used.
• play patterns with rhythm. Play Rhythm
B. Worksheet 3 Have students:
• create new patterns on Worksheet 3.
• share patterns on Worksheet 3 overhead.
• describe registers and pitch direction of each pattern.
• take turns playing each pattern with different tempi. Discuss choosing an “appropriate” tempo
for each pattern based on level of difficulty (i.e. challenging pattern = slower tempo).
Split Mode Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis: Analyze - Find metronome markings for different music examples (Song 3)
A. Silent Keyboards Play Song The Noble Duke of York at a new tempo. Have students:
• use metronome and tempo buttons to determine new metronome marking.
• share results with class (there may be slight discrepancies).
B. Play a style/rhythm from teacher keyboard. Have partners:
• use metronome and tempo buttons to determine metronome marking for each style.
• share results with class (there may be slight discrepancies).
C. Play the following songs. Have partners:
• use metronome and tempo buttons to determine metronome marking for each song.
• share results with class (there may be slight discrepancies).
When I Was A Lad = 120
Funeral March = 50
Simple Gifts = 109
Can Can = 135
Shenandoah = 69
Zum Gali Gali = 120
Sound On Keyboards Synthesis Completed
R. Review
A. Note Monitor Create percussion patterns or new songs with various tempi. Ask students to:
practice entering “black” = fast tempo, “white” = slow tempo and “both” =moderate tempo.
Review Completed