Prelude #10
Timbre Prep: Instrumental Tone Color
1. Introduce the String Family
Using student keyboards, introduce the various string instruments:
Normal Mode
Strings Harpsichord
Guitar Harp Pizzicato
Cello Banjo Fiddle
NOTE: Have students use same set of 3 black keys for each instrument to hear the
difference of the timbre.
Listening Examples from both
CD 1: Blue Danube Waltz
CD 1: When Johnny Comes Marching Home
CD 1: Yesterday
CD 2:Tartini Concerto for Violin
Activity Completed
2. Introduce the Woodwind Family
Using student keyboards, introduce the various woodwinds instruments:
Normal Mode
Clarinet Saxophone
Flute Oboe Bassoon
English Horn Recorder Pan Flute
NOTE: Have students use same set of 3 black keys for each instrument to hear the differ-
ence of the timbre.
Listening Examples from both
CD 1: Rhapsody in Blue
CD 1: Nuages - Debussy
CD 2: Holst Second Suite in F [Oboe]
CD 2: Owen Music for Clarinets [Clarinet]
CD 2: Amazing Grace [Bagpipes]
CD 2: My Sugar is So Refined [Woodwind Quintet]
Activity Completed
3. Introduce the Brass Family
Using student keyboards, introduce the various brass instruments:
Normal Mode
Trumpet Trombone Horn
Tuba Brass Section
NOTE: Have students use same set of 3 black keys for each instrument to hear the differ-
ence of the timbre.
Listening Examples from CD 2:
CD 2: La Mourisque - Susato
CD 2: Mouret Rondeau
Activity Completed
4. Introduce the Percussion Family
Explore the various percussion instruments (and symbols) on student keyboards:
Split Mode Keyboard Percussion On
Keyboard Percussion Off Normal Mode
Timpani Marimba
Xylophone Steel Drum Kalimba
Agogo Vibes
NOTE: Have students use same set of 3 black keys for each instrument to hear the differ-
ence of the timbre.
Listening Examples from both
CD 1: Miami Vice Theme
CD 1: Segera Madu
CD 2: Take Five [trapset]
CD 2: Somewhere Out There [steel drum]
Activity Completed
5. Introduce the Keyboard Family
Using student keyboards, introduce the various keyboard instruments:
Normal Mode
Piano Electric Piano
Organ Synth
NOTE: Have students use same set of 3 black keys for each instrument to hear the differ-
ence of the timbre.
Listening Examples from both
CD 1: Carnival of Animals - Pianists
CD 1: Prelude in C minor, Chopin
CD 2: A Mighty Fortress [Pipe Organ]
CD 2: Happy Birthday Variations [Piano]
CD 2: Purcell Suite #1 in G [Harpsichord]
Activity Completed
6. The County Fair: Sample Sound Story
Normal Mode
My family and I went to the county fair. When we arrived, we got out of the car. DoorSlam
We walked along. Footsteps My heart was beating fast. Heartbeat
We came to a big tent where they were judging horses. We watched as they circled the ring.
The people cheered and applauded Applause when the winner was announced. We then
rode the roller coaster RollerCoaster which was great fun.
The day ended with a laser show and fireworks display Fireworks LaserGun
As we traveled home, I fell asleep. The next thing I knew it was morning. Bird Tweet2