Notes in parentheses can be omitted.
If you play any three adjacent keys (including black
keys), the chord sound will be cancelled and only the
rhythm instruments will continue playing (CHORD
CANCEL function).
Playing a single key or two same root keys in the adja-
cent octaves produces accompaniment based only on
the root.
A perfect fifth (1 + 5) produces accompaniment based
only on the root and fifth which can be used with
both major and minor chords.
The chord fingerings listed are all in “root” position,
but other inversions can be used with the following
exceptions: m7, m7b5, 6, m6, sus4, aug, dim7, 7b5,
6(9), m7(11), 1+2+5.
Inversion of the 7sus4 chord are not recognized if the
5th is omitted.
The AUTO ACCOMPANIMENT will sometimes not
change when related chords are played in sequence
(e.g. some minor chords followed by the minor sev-
Two-note fingerings will produce a chord based on
the previously played chord.
Diagram 5.2 Example of Fingered mode Chords
Diagram 5.3 Chord Voicings