R. Review
A. Note Monitor Ask students to:
• practice entering various notes in D major.
B. Create short melodies using a) only notes in D major OR b) D major with accidentals (i.e. C natural,
F natural). Have students:
• practice entering “black” = D major, no added accidentals or “white” = D major with acci-
C. Create short melodies that either end on home tone “D” or do not end on home tone. Have stu-
• practice entering “black” = ends on home tone “D”, “white” = does not end on home tone
Review Completed
Opus 24
6/8 Meter
6/8 METER - Duration/Rhythm: Rhythm may be
organized into consistent groups of beats.
Recognize 6/8 meter time signature.
Understand how 6/8 meter is compound duple
(strong beats feel duple, but the subdivision is triple).
Improvise accompaniment over new melody.
- compound duple meter, meter signature, D major pentachord
- compound duple meter, meter signature, D major pentachord
Assessment (Quiz 22) – Students will listen to variety of examples, then determine if compound duple
or duple.
Assessment (Quiz 22) – Students will listen to variety of examples, then determine if compound duple
or duple.
Assessment (Quiz 22) – Students will listen to variety of examples, then determine if compound duple
or duple.
Repertoire: Irish Washerwoman, Tarantella, Over the River, Can Can, Following the Leader, Ol’ Blue
Repertoire: Irish Washerwoman, Tarantella, Over the River, Can Can, Following the Leader, Ol’ Blue
Repertoire: Irish Washerwoman, Tarantella, Over the River, Can Can, Following the Leader, Ol’ Blue
National Standards:
1. NS 2,3
2. NS 2,5
3. NS 2,5
4. NS 6
5. NS 2,5
S. NS 4
R. NS 6
State/Local Standards:
State/Local Standards:
Sequence of Activities:
1. Imitate & Play – Rhythm/melody patterns in 6/8 meter
A. Play Metronome Clap rhythm patterns in 6/8 meter. Have students:
• imitate each rhythm pattern.
• tap each rhythm pattern on a keyboard percussion instrument. Kbd Perc On
• identify 6/8 meter as compound duple (the stronger beats, 1 & 4, give feeling of duple, the
smaller/subdivided beats, give feeling of triple).
B. Kbd Perc Off Play melody patterns (C, G or D major) in 6/8 meter. Have partners:
• imitate each pattern.
• create patterns for each other to imitate. Ensemble Mode Speakers Off
Split Mode
Speakers On Lesson Completed
2. Read & Play – Melody patterns in 6/8 meter (Chart 15)
A. Chart 15 Play Chart 15, Example 1. Encourage students to:
• tap steady beat (on beats one and four).
• tap rhythm pattern.
• identify time signature, note values and repeated patterns.
• chant rhythm syllables.
• play example.
B. Continue activity with examples from Chart 15.
C. Have students:
• suggest new melody/rhythm patterns in 6/8 meter for Examples 4 & 8.
• practice new melodies. Speakers Off
• play melodies. Speakers On