Opus 29
Minor Tonality
MINOR TONALITY: Pitch/Melody – Pitches may be
grouped to form a set, e.g., pentachord, scale, mode,
tone row. A set of pitches may or may not have a tonal
Play, read minor melodic patterns.
Transpose major song to minor.
Recognize minor & major tonalities.
- D minor pentachord, whole step, half-step, major,
minor, home tone or tonal center
- D minor pentachord, whole step, half-step, major,
minor, home tone or tonal center
D minor pentachord on grand staff
D minor pentachord on grand staff
Assessment (Quiz 32) - Students will play minor pentachords, and listen to chords/songs to
determine whether they are major or minor.
Assessment (Quiz 32) - Students will play minor pentachords, and listen to chords/songs to
determine whether they are major or minor.
Assessment (Quiz 32) - Students will play minor pentachords, and listen to chords/songs to
determine whether they are major or minor.
Repertoire: Oh, How Lovely is the Evening (a & b), Frère Jacques, Lonesome Traveler, Funeral
Dark Eyes, Oh Hannukah, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, Water Come A Me Eye, Whistle While
You Work, Prelude in C minor Opus 20 by Chopin, How Dare You
Repertoire: Oh, How Lovely is the Evening (a & b), Frère Jacques, Lonesome Traveler, Funeral
Dark Eyes, Oh Hannukah, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, Water Come A Me Eye, Whistle While
You Work, Prelude in C minor Opus 20 by Chopin, How Dare You
Repertoire: Oh, How Lovely is the Evening (a & b), Frère Jacques, Lonesome Traveler, Funeral
Dark Eyes, Oh Hannukah, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, Water Come A Me Eye, Whistle While
You Work, Prelude in C minor Opus 20 by Chopin, How Dare You
National Standards:
1. NS 2,5
2. NS 2
3. NS 1,2
4. NS 2,6
S. NS 4
R. NS 6
State/Local Standards:
State/Local Standards:
Sequence of Activities:
1. Play & Identify - D minor (Charts 14 & 19)
A. Chart 14 Ask students to:
• play bass clef of Chart 14 (left hand).
• play Chart 14 with rhythm. Play Rhythm
• sing home tone.
• review pattern of whole and half-steps used in the D major pentachord (whole-whole-half-
B. Chart 19 Play D Minor Tonality on Chart 19. Have students:
• place left hands on D major pentachord, then lower third finger one half-step to F-natural to
form minor pentachord.
• play Chart 19 with rhythm. Play Rhythm
• sing home tone and compare to major home tone.
• identify pattern of whole and half-steps which form minor pentachord (whole-half-whole-
Lesson Completed
2. Play - Melodic patterns with D Minor pentachord
A. Play two-measure melodic patterns in D minor. Direct students to:
• imitate each pattern.
B. Speakers Off Ensemble Mode Let partners:
• take turns playing melodic patterns in D minor for the other to imitate.
• play two-measure melodic patterns for class. Speakers On
Split Mode Lesson Completed
3. Sing & Play - Oh, How Lovely is the Evening (a & b): Part 2 (Songs 34 & 35)
A. Play Melody Oh, How Lovely (a). Have students:
• play melody with song. Play Song
B. Play Melody Oh, How Lovely (b). Have students:
• discuss difference in tonality (major to minor).
• play melody with song. Play Song
C. Option: Play student parts of both songs.
Lesson Completed
4. Listen& Identify – Minor and major
A. Play the following songs. Have students:
• discuss and determine whether they are minor or major.
Play Song Dark Eyes
Play Song De Colores
Play Song Funeral March
Play Song Oh Hannukah
Play Song Pi M’Chinanga
Play Song We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Play Song Water Come A Me Eye
B. Have students:
• define tonality (minor and major).
• describe the different “moods” of the two tonalities.
C. Play Song Prelude In C Minor, Opus 28, No. 20 by Frederic Chopin. Have students:
• describe mood of excerpt.
D. Play Song How Dare You by Basia. Direct students to:
• create C minor pentachord starting on C (whole-half-whole-whole).
• play along with excerpt:
Section A: C-D-E flat-F-G-rest-rest-rest C-D-E flat-F-G-rest-rest-rest
C-D-E flat -F-G-rest-rest-rest
C-D-E flat -F-G-rest-rest-rest
Section B: C-C-C-C-D-D-D-D- E flat - E flat - E flat - E flat - F-F-F-F-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G
E. Ask students to:
• compare the moods of these two excerpts.
Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis: Transpose Frère Jacques from major to minor tonality (Song 20)
A. Split - Treble Have students:
play Part 2 of Frère Jacques.
• review G major pentachord and whole/half steps.
• discuss which note needs to change to become G minor (B-Bb – lowered 3
• play Part 2 in minor tonality.
B. Split - Bass Repeat with Part 3. Discuss how interval of 5
does not define tonality. Have stu-
• play Part 3 with interval of 3
beginning on G (major tonality, G-B).
• play Part 3 with interval of 3
beginning of G (minor tonality, G-Bb).
C. Normal Mode Play Parts 2 and 3 together in minor tonality.
Split - Reset Synthesis Completed