Opus 39
Chord Symbols & Inversions
Harmony: Chord symbols indicate harmonic notes and
may indicate inversions.
- triads, inversion, maj7, +9, bass note
- triads, inversion, maj7, +9, bass note
National Standards:
1. NS
2. NS
3. NS
4. NS
5. NS
State/Local Standards:
Sequence of Activities:
1. Read & Play – Chord Symbols (Chart 29)
A. Chart 29 With Chart 29, Example 1, encourage students to:
• identify chord symbols (Cmaj7, Dm7, Em7, Fmaj7).
• play chords.
• identify characteristics of maj7 vs. m7 chords (maj7 = major triad + 7th, m7 = minor triad +
• build major 7ths and minor 7ths on different pitches (i.e. G-B-D-F# = maj7, G-Bb-D-F = m7).
B. With Chart 29, Example 2, have students:
• identify chord symbols (C6, Dm6, Em6, F6, Cmaj7+9).
• play chords.
• build other chords with added 6
• build other maj7+9 chords.
Lesson Completed
2. Read & Play – Inversions (Chart 29)
A. Have students:
• play C, F and G7 chords.
• change order of notes in C triad (E-G-C).
• play F triad as C-F-A.
• play G triad as B-D-G.
• play G7 chord as B-D-F-G.
B. Chart 29 Introduce term “inversion” and purpose. With Chart 29, Example 3, have students:
• play inversions.
• discuss chord symbols (G7/B = G7 with B in bass/lowest note).
C. With Chart 29, Example 4, have students:
• identify chord symbols and bass notes.
• practice example. Speakers Off
• perform example. Speakers On
D. Repeat with other examples of Chart 29.
Lesson Completed
3. Read & Play – My Favorite Things: Chord Symbols (Song 48)
A. Play Song My Favorite Things. Have students:
• identify chord symbols.
• discuss different ways chords and inversions could be played (i.e. single hand, two-hands,
block chords, broken chords).
• practice playing chords and inversions. Speakers Off
• play with melody. Speakers On Play Melody
Lesson Completed
4. Create – My Favorite Things: Accompaniment Track (Song 48)
A. Speakers Off Fingered Accomp 3-Beat Have partners:
practice chord symbols from My Favorite Things.
• record new accompaniment track with INTRO and ENDING. (Note: Use ACCOMP REC.)
• play melody with recorded accompaniment. (Note: Use PLAY)
Speakers On Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis – Analyze & Notate – Chord Symbols (Worksheet 15)
A. Worksheet 15 With Worksheet 15, Example 1, have students:
• analyze notes and discuss what chord symbol best “fits” measure.
• write chord symbol above measure. (Note: Write symbol over beat 1.)
• continue with subsequent measures.
B. Repeat with other examples, Worksheet 15.
C. Option: Play examples from Worksheet 15.
Synthesis Completed
R. Review
A. Note Monitor Write chord symbols on overhead. Have students:
• practice entering chords.
Review Completed