Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Photoshop CS3 Scripting Basics 13
Object Name Description
To create this object without
using a script:
Application The Photoshop CS3 application. Start the Photoshop CS3
Document The working object, in which you create layers,
channels, actions, and so on. In a script, you name,
open, or save a document as you would a file in the
In Photoshop CS3, choose
File > New or File > Open.
Selection The selected area of a layer or document. Choose the marquee or lasso
tools and drag your mouse.
Path Item A drawing object, such as the outline of a shape or a
straight or curved line
Choose the path selection or
pen tools and draw a path with
the mouse.
Channel Pixel information about an image’s color. Choose Window > Channels.
Art Layer A layer class within a document that allows you to
work on one element of an image without affecting
other elements in the image.
Choose Layer > New > Layer
or Window > Layers.
Layer Set A collection of
Art Layer objects. Choose Layer > New >
Layer Set.
Layer Comp A snapshot of a state of the layers in a document. Choose Window > Layer
Comp. Then select the New
Layer Comp icon.
Document Info Metadata about a
Document object.
Note: Metadata is any data that helps to describe
the content or characteristics of a file, such
filename, creation date and time, author
name, the name of the image stored in the
file, etc.
Choose File > File Info.
Notifier Notifies a script when an event occurs; the event
then triggers the script to execute. For example,
when a user clicks an OK button, the notifier object
tells the script what to do next.
Choose File > Scripts > Script
Events Manager.
Preferences The application preference settings. Choose Edit > Preferences in
Windows, or
Photoshop > Preferences in
Mac OS.
History State Stores a version of the document in the state the
document was in each time you saved it.
Note: You can use a
History State object to fill a
Selection object or to reset the document
to a previous state.
Choose Window > History,
and then choose a history
state from the History palette.