Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Photoshop CS3 Scripting Basics 14
Additional Objects
The Photoshop CS3 object model includes additional objects beyond the ones described in the
containment hierarchy above. Most of these classes are used as types for properties or to provide
information (as arguments) for commands or methods. For example:
● The color value (SolidColor/SolidColor) class provides the type for the background color
and foreground color
properties of the Application object. See ‘Working with
Color Objects’ on page 50.
● Open and save options for documents are defined as classes, and these are passed to the commands
that open and save documents; e.g., the
BMP save options (BMPSaveOptions/BMPSaveOptions)
class can be passed as an argument to the save (saveAs/saveAs) command or method. See ‘Opening a
Document’ on page 26 and ‘Saving a Document’ on page 29.
An additional important component of the Photoshop CS3 object model for JavaScript and VBScript are
constants. Constants are a type of value that defines a property. For example, with the
kind property of an
Art Layer object, you can define only specific kinds that Photoshop CS3 allows. For general information
about constants, see Introduction to Scripting.
Note: Throughout this document, actual values of enumerations for VBScript are given using the
following format:
newLayerRef.Kind = 2 '2 indicates psLayerKind --> 2 (psTextLayer)
The ' before the explanation creates a comment and prevents the text to the right of the ' from being
read by the scripting engine. For more information about using comments, see Introduction to
For example, look up the art
ArtLayer object in either the Adobe Photoshop CS3 JavaScript Scripting
Reference or in the Adobe Photoshop CS3 Visual Basic Scripting Reference. One of the properties of this
object is
Kind( kind). The value type for that property contains a link to the constant that define the
allowed values for the property. For VBScript, the constant is
PSLayerKind, for JavaScript, the constant is
LayerKind. Click the link to view the values you can use to define the kind property.
Note: Different objects can use the same property name with different constant values. The constant
values for the
Channel object’s kind property are different than the constant values for the Art
object’s kind property.
Color Sampler Represents a color sampler in your document. Choose the Color Sampler
Tool, and click in the
Count Item Represents a counted item in the document. Choose the Count Tool and
click in the document.
Represents the measurement scale for your
The Measurement Scale object
cannot be created, but you can
change its properties by using
Image > Measurement Scale
> Custom.
Object Name Description
To create this object without
using a script: (Continued)