Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Scripting Photoshop CS3 22
set docRef to make new document
To create an object other than a document, you must reference the Document object that contains the
object. The following sample creates an art layer in the document contained in the variable named
make new art layer in docRef
Note: When you create object in AppleScript, you actually add the object to an element the same way you
add a VBScript or JavaScript object to a collection. However, in AppleScript, the element name is
implied in the
make or set statement. For example, the statement:
make new document
actually means:
make new document in the documents element
Do the following to find out more about creating objects in an AppleScript:
● Look up the make and set commands in the Adobe Photoshop CS3 AppleScript Scripting Reference or in
the Photoshop CS3 AppleScript Dictionary. See ‘Viewing Photoshop CS3’s AppleScript Dictionary’ on
page 19.
● To find out which commands can be used with an object, look up the object in the Adobe Photoshop
CS3 AppleScript Scripting Reference. If an object has valid commands, there will be a “Valid Commands”
list at the end of the object description.
In VBScript, you can use the Add method only with the collection name. The Add method is not valid with
objects other than collection objects. Also, in VBScript, you must reference the
Application object when
creating when creating, or referring to, an object in your script.
For example, to create a document in a VBScript script, you cannot use the object name, as in the following
sample, which creates a
Document object:
You must use the collection name, which is a plural form of the object name, as follows:
Note: In this sample statement, the Application object is referenced via a variable named appRef. See
‘Targeting and Referencing the Application Object’ on page 20
for more information.
To add an
ArtLayer object, you must reference both the Application and Document objects that will
contain the art layer. The following sample references the
Application object using the variable appRef
and the
Document object using the document’s index rather than the documents name.
Caution: In Photoshop, VBScript collections index from 1 rather than 0. That is to say, the first document
created has index 1, rather than index 0.
If you look up in the
Document object in the Adobe Photoshop CS3 Visual Basic Scripting Reference or in the
Visual Basic Object Browser, you will see that there is no
Add() method for the object. However, the Add()
method is available for the
Documents object. Similarly, the ArtLayer object does not have an Add()
method; the
ArtLayers object does.
Note: The
Layers object is an exception because, although it is a collection object, it does not include an
Add() method. The Layers collection includes both ArtLayer and LayerSet objects, which are
created with the
Add method on either the ArtLayers or LayerSets collections. For more
information, look up the
Layers object in theAdobe Photoshop CS3 Visual Basic Scripting Reference.