Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Scripting Photoshop CS3 48
Note: This type of script corresponds to selecting Start Application in the Script Events Manager (File >
Scripts > Script Events Manager) in the Photoshop CS3 application. Please refer to Photoshop CS3
Help for information on using the Script Events Manager.
make (Add/add) command requires you to specify an event ID to identify the event to set up
notification for. Many event IDs are listed in an Appendix in the Adobe Photoshop CS3 JavaScript Scripting
Reference, Adobe Photoshop CS3 Visual Basic Scripting Reference, and Adobe Photoshop CS3 AppleScript
Scripting Reference. Some events also operate on several types of objects, and the
make (Add/add)
command requires an additional argument for a class ID, which identifies the object. For example, the
“New” command is used for Document, Art Layer, and Channel objects.
Tip: You can determine the event and class IDs of any recordable event by using ScriptListener. See ‘Using
ScriptListener to find event IDs and class IDs’ on page 79.
The following example shows how to set up event notification for an “Open Document” event. First the
script ensures that event notification is enabled, then it sets up the event to trigger the execution of the
Welcome.jsx file. Once the script completes, any time you open a document outside of a script, it triggers
the notification, which runs the
.jsx file. This .jsx file displays an alert box.
Note: Notification generally does not take effect on events that occur inside of a script, because these
events are embedded with in an
"AdobeScriptAutomation Scripts" event.
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
delete notifiers
end try
make new notifier with properties {event:"Opn ", ¬
event file:alias "OS X 10.4.8 US:Users:psauto:Desktop:Welcome.jsx"}
end tell
Dim appRef,eventFile
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
appRef.NotifiersEnabled = True
eventFile = appRef.Path & "Presets\Scripts\Event Scripts Only\Welcome.jsx"
appRef.Notifiers.Add "Opn ", eventFile
app.notifiersEnabled = true
var eventFile = new File(app.path +
"/Presets/Scripts/Event Scripts Only/Welcome.jsx")
app.notifiers.add("Opn ", eventFile)
Using the PathItem Object
To create a PathItem object, you must add a PathItem to the PathItems element or collection for a
document. This requires that you first create an array of
PathPointInfo objects, which specify the
coordinates of the corners or anchor points of your path. Then you create an array of
SubPathInfo objects
to contain the
PathPoint arrays.Once you have the points and a subpath, you can add a new PathItem.
The following script creates a
PathItem object that is a straight line.