Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Scripting Photoshop CS3 40
Determining a Layer’s Kind
The following examples use an if statement to check whether an existing layer is a text layer.
if (kind of layerRef is text layer) then
If layerRef.Kind = 2 Then '2 indicates psTextLayer
End If
if (newLayerRef.kind == LayerKind.TEXT)
Adding and Manipulating Text in a Text Item Object
The following examples add and right-justify text in a text layer.
set layerRef to make new art layer in current document with properties¬
{kind:text layer}
set contents of text object of layerRef to "Hello, World!"
set justification of text object of layerRef to right
Set textLayerRef = docRef.ArtLayers.Add()
textLayerRef.Kind = 2
textLayerRef.Name = "my text"
Set textItemRef = docRef.ArtLayers("my text").TextItem
textItemRef.Contents = "Hello, World!"
textItemRef.Justification = 3
'3 = psRight (for the constant value psJustification)
var textLayerRef = docRef.artLayers.add()
textLayerRef.name = "my text"
textLayerRef.kind = LayerKind.TEXT
var textItemRef = docRef.artLayers["my text"].textItem
textItemRef.contents = "Hello, World!"
textItemRef.justification = Justification.RIGHT
Note: The text-object (TextItem/TextItem) object has a kind (Kind/kind) property, which can
be set to either
point text (psPointText/TextType.POINTTEXT) or paragraph text