Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Scripting Photoshop CS3 67
● theDocHeightInPixels indicates the bottom row in the document; that is row whose coordinate
is the total number of rows in the document.
Note: The value of
theDocHeightInPixels is the total number of pixels that determine the vertical
dimension of the document. Rows are stacked vertically.
● Lower left corner: 0, theDocHeightInPixels
● 0 indicates the left-most column in the document.
● theDocHeightInPixels indicates the bottom row in the document
● Upper left corner of the selection: 0,0
● This closes the selection path back at the initial point.
➤ To select an area and apply a wave filter to it:
1. Type the following code into the script file HelloWorldDoc just above the statements that restore
original preferences:
--create new variables to contain the document object’s width and height
--determine width and height values by multiplying the
--width and height in inches by the resolution
--(which equals the number of pixels per inch)
set theDocWidthInPixels to theDocWidthInInches * theDocResolution
set theDocHeightInPixels to theDocHeightInInches * theDocResolution
--use the rasterize command of the art layer object
rasterize theTextLayer affecting text contents
--create a variable named theSelRegion
--assign an array of coordinates as its value
set theSelRegion to {{0, 0}, ¬
{theDocWidthInPixels / 2, 0}, ¬
{theDocWidthInPixels / 2, theDocHeightInPixels}, ¬
{0, theDocHeightInPixels}, ¬
{0, 0}}
--replace the document object with the selection object
--so that the wave is applied only to the selected text
select theDocRef region theSelRegion combination type replaced
--apply the wave filter using the filter command of the
--wave filter class (inherited from the filter options super class)
filter current layer of theDocRef using wave filter ¬
with options {class:wave filter, number of generators:1, minimum wavelength:1,¬
maximum wavelength:100, minimum amplitude:5, maximum amplitude:10, ¬
horizontal scale:100, vertical scale:100, wave type:sine,¬
undefined areas:repeat edge pixels, random seed:0}
2. Choose Run to run the script.
3. After viewing the document in Photoshop CS3, close the document without saving it.
4. Save the script in the Script Editor.