Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Scripting Photoshop CS3 69
➤ To select an area and apply a wave filter to it:
1. Type the following code into the script file HelloWorldDoc just above the statements that restore
original preferences:
//create new variables to contain doc width and height
//convert inches to pixels by multiplying the number of inches by
//the resolution (which equals number of pixels per inch)
docWidthInPixels = docWidthInInches * resolution
docHeightInPixels = docHeightInInches * resolution
//use the rasterize method of the artLayer class
//create a variable to contain the coordinate values
//for the selection object
selRegion = Array(Array(0, 0),
Array(docWidthInPixels / 2, 0),
Array(docWidthInPixels / 2, docHeightInPixels),
Array(0, docHeightInPixels),
Array(0, 0))
//use the select method of the selection object
//to create an object and give it the selRegion values
//as coordinates
newTextLayer.applyWave(1, 1, 100, 5, 10, 100, 100,
WaveType.SINE, UndefinedAreas.WRAPAROUND, 0)
2. Save the script, and then open Photoshop CS3 and select the script from the Scripts menu (choose File
> Script > HelloWorldDoc).
3. After viewing the document in Photoshop CS3, close Photoshop CS3 without saving the document.
Note: Look up the following classes in the Adobe Photoshop CS3 JavaScript Scripting Reference, or in the
ExtendScript Object Model Viewer to see if you understand how you used them in this script:
● ArtLayer
● rasterize() method. Notice that the RasterizeType.TEXTCONTENTS argument uses the
RasterizeType constant. Constants are always depicted in upper case letters in
Photoshop CS3 JavaScripts.
● applyWave() method
Applying a MotionBlur Filter
In this section, we will apply a different filter to the other half of our document.
➤ To apply a motionblur filter to HelloWorldDoc:
1. Type the following code into the script file HelloWorldDoc just above the statements that restore
original preferences.
--change the value of the variable theSelRegion
--to contain the opposite half of the screen