Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Scripting Photoshop CS3 24
Setting the Active Document
The following examples demonstrate how to set the active document.
--create 2 documents
set docRef to make new document with properties ¬
{width:4 as inches, height:4 as inches}
set otherDocRef to make new document with properties ¬
{width:4 as inches, height:6 as inches}
--make docRef the active document
set current document to docRef
--here you would include command statements
--that perform actions on the active document. Then, you could
--make a different document the active document
--use the current document property of the application class to
--bring otherDocRef front-most as the new active document
set current document to otherDocRef
'Create 2 documents
Set docRef = app.Documents.Add ( 4, 4)
Set otherDocRef = app.Documents.Add (4,6)
'make docRef the active document
Set app.ActiveDocument = docRef
'here you would include command statements
'that perform actions on the active document. Then, you could
'make a different document the active document
'use the ActiveDocument property of the Application object to
'bring otherDocRef front-most as the new active document
Set app.ActiveDocument = otherDocRef
// Create 2 documents
var docRef = app.documents.add( 4, 4)
var otherDocRef = app.documents.add (4,6)
//make docRef the active document
app.activeDocument = docRef
//here you would include command statements
//that perform actions on the active document. Then, you could
//make a different document the active document
//use the activeDocument property of the Application object to
//bring otherDocRef front-most as the new active document
app.activeDocument = otherDocRef