Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Photoshop CS3 Scripting Basics 15
Creating a Sample Hello World Script
This section demonstrates a very simple script in each of the three scripting languages for Photoshop CS3.
Traditionally, the first thing to accomplish in any programming environment is the display of a "Hello
World" message.
➤ Our Hello World scripts will do the following:
1. Open the Photoshop CS3 application.
2. Create a new
Document object.
When we create the document, we will also create a variable named
docRef and then assign a
reference to the document as the value of
docRef. The document will be 4 inches wide and 2 inches
3. Create an
Art Layer object.
In our script, we will create a variable named
artLayerRef and then assign a reference to the Art
object as the value of artLayerRef.
4. Define
artLayerRef as a text item.
5. Set the contents of the text item to "Hello World".
Note: We will also include comments throughout the scripts. In fact, because this is our first script, we will
use comments to excess.
These steps mirror a specific path in the containment hierarchy, as illustrated below.
Creating and Running an AppleScript
You must open Apple’s Script Editor application in order to complete this procedure.
Note: The default location for the Script Editor is Applications > AppleScript > Script Editor.
➤ To create and run your first Photoshop CS3 AppleScript:
1. Enter the following script in the Script Editor:
Art Layer
Text Item