Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Scripting Photoshop CS3 45
Set chanRef = docRef.Channels.Add
chanRef.Name = "My Channel"
chanRef.Kind = 3 'psSelectedAreaAlphaChannel
docRef.Selection.Store docRef.Channels("My Channel"), 2
'PsSelectionType is 2 (psExtendSelection)
var chanRef = docRef.channels.add()
chanRef.name = "My Channel"
chanRef.kind = ChannelType.SELECTEDAREA
docRef.selection.store(docRef.channels["My Channel"], SelectionType.EXTEND)
To restore a selection that has been saved to a Channel object, use the load (Load/load) method.
set myChannel to make new channel of current document with properties ¬
{name:"My Channel"}
load selection of current document from channel "My Channel" of ¬
current document combination type extended
selRef.Load docRef.Channels("My Channel"), 2
'PsSelectionType is 2 (psExtendSelection)
selRef.load (docRef.channels["My Channel"], SelectionType.EXTEND)
See section ‘Understanding Clipboard Interaction’ on page 54 for examples on how to copy, cut and paste
Working with Channel Objects
The Channel object gives you access to much of the available functionality on Photoshop CS3 channels.
You can create, delete, and duplicate channels or retrieve a channel's histogram and change its kind. See
‘Creating New Objects in a Script’ on page 21
for information on creating a Channel object in your script.
You can set or get (that is, find out about) a
Channel object’s type using the kind property. See ‘Loading
and Storing Selections’ on page 44 for script samples that demonstrate how to create a selected area
Changing Channel Types
You can change the kind of any channel except component channels. The following examples
demonstrate how to change a masked area channel to a selected area channel:
Note: Component channels are related to the document mode. Refer to Photoshop CS3 Help for
information on channels, channel types, and document modes.