Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Scripting Photoshop CS3 42
➤ The following examples assume that the ruler units have been set to pixels and create a selection
1. Creating a variable to hold a new document that is 500 x 500 pixels in size.
2. Creating a variable to hold the coordinates that describe the selected area (that is, the
3. Adding an array as the selection variable’s value.
4. Using the
Document object’s selection property, and the Selection object’s select command to
select an area. The area’s coordinates are the selection variable’s values.
set docRef to make new document with properties {height:500, width:500}
set shapeRef to {{0, 0}, {0, 100}, {100, 100}, {100, 0}}
select current document region shapeRef
DocRef = appRef.Documents.Add
ShapeRef = Array(Array(0, 0), Array(0, 100), Array(100,100), Array(100,0))
docRef.Selection.Select ShapeRef
var docRef = app.documents.add(500, 500)
var shapeRef = [
Stroking the Selection Border
The following examples use the stroke (Stroke/stroke()) command of the Selection object to
stroke the boundaries around the current selection and set the stroke color and width.
Note: The transparency parameter cannot be used for background layers.
stroke selection of current document using color ¬
{class:CMYK color, cyan:20, magenta:50, yellow:30, black:0} ¬
width 5 location inside blend mode vivid light opacity 75 ¬
without preserving transparency
Set strokeColor = CreateObject ("Photoshop.SolidColor")
strokeColor.CMYK.Cyan = 20
strokeColor.CMYK.Magenta = 50
strokeColor.CMYK.Yellow = 30
strokeColor.CMYK.Black = 0
appRef.ActiveDocument.Selection.Stroke strokeColor, 5, 1, 15, 75, False