Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Index 83
script files 8
inferring format 26
opening 26
opening using specific settings 27
saving 29
specifying format 27
additional 53
applying motionblur 69
applying wave 66–69
making scriptable 73
working with 53
Hello World script 15–18
hex color values, setting 51
hierarchy 10
History State object
defined 12
purging 47
relationship to user interface 13
reverting 47
using 46
history states
defined 46
images, changing composition 11
conventions 5
creating 17
executing 9
executing from AppleScript 9
executing from VBScript 9
running 17
support 8
using Action Manager 74
workflow automation sample 59
layer classes 11
Layer Comp object
defined 11
relationship to user interface 13
Layer objects
activating 25
adding 23
applying styles 38
creating 34
defined 11
determining kind 40
linking 38
referencing 36
testing for text layers 40
working with 34
Layer Set object
creating 35
defined 11
relationship to user interface 13
working with 34, 37
lens flare open options object, unit values 57
logic, conditional 7
masked area channels 11
Measurement Scale object
defined 12
relationship to user interface 14
measurement units
document preferences 61
working with 55
merged copies 55
metadata defined 13
conventions 5
viewing 19
motionblur filters, defining 69
Notifier object
defined 12
finding class IDs 79
finding event IDs 79
relationship to user interface 13
using 47
object model
concepts 9
working with 31
Also see individual objects
activating 23
Adobe Photoshop CS3 object model 10
creating in a script 21–23
hierarchy 10
viewing 19
offset filter object, unit values 58
Open options classes 14
parent objects defined 23
paste commands 54
Path Item object
creating a straight line 48
defined 12
relationship to user interface 13
Path Point object defined 12
paths, creating 48
PDF open options object, unit values 57
Photoshop CS3 object model 10
setting 30