Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Scripting Photoshop CS3 46
set kind of myChannel to selected area channel
channelRef.ind = 3 'for psSelectedAreaAlphaChannel
'from the constant value PsChannelType
channelRef.kind = ChannelType.SELECTEDAREA
Using the Document Info Object
In Photoshop CS3, you can associate information with a document by choosing File > File Info.
To accomplish this task in a script, you use the
info-object (DocumentInfo/DocumentInfo) object,
which is stored in the
info (Info/info) property of the Document object. The following examples
demonstrate how to use the
DocumentInfo object to set the copyrighted status and owner URL of a
set docInfoRef to info of current document
get EXIF of docInfoRef
set copyrighted of docInfoRef to copyrighted work
set owner url of docInfoRef to "http://www.adobe.com"
get EXIF of docInfoRef
Set docInfoRef = docRef.Info
docInfoRef.Copyrighted = 1 'for psCopyrightedWork
docInfoRef.OwnerUrl = "http://www.adobe.com"
docInfoRef = docRef.info
docInfoRef.copyrighted = CopyrightedType.COPYRIGHTEDWORK
docInfoRef.ownerUrl = "http://www.adobe.com"
For information about other types of information (properties) you can associate with a document, look up
the following:
● In the Adobe Photoshop CS3 AppleScript Scripting Reference or in the Photoshop CS3 AppleScript
Dictionary, look up the properties for the class
● In the Adobe Photoshop CS3 Visual Basic Scripting Reference, the Adobe Photoshop CS3 JavaScript
Scripting Reference, the Visual Basic Object Browser or the ExtendScript Object Model Viewer, look up
the properties for the
DocumentInfo object.
Using History State Objects
Photoshop CS3 keeps a history of the actions that affect documents. Each time you apply a change to an
image in the Photoshop CS3 application, you create a history state; you can access a document’s history
states from the History palette by selecting Window > History. See Photoshop CS3 Help for additional
information about History State.