Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Scripting Photoshop CS3 44
fill selection of current document with contents ¬
{class:RGB color, red:255, green:0, blue:0} blend mode ¬
vivid light opacity 25 without preserving transparency
Set fillColor = CreateObject("Photoshop.SolidColor")
fillColor.RGB.Red = 255
fillColor.RGB.Green = 0
fillColor.RGB.Blue = 0
selRef.Fill fillColor, 15, 25, False
var fillColor = new SolidColor()
fillColor.rgb.red = 255
fillColor.rgb.green = 0
fillColor.rgb.blue = 0
app.activeDocument.selection.fill( fillColor, ColorBlendMode.VIVIDLIGHT,
25, false)
To fill the current selection with the tenth item in the history state:
Note: See ‘Using History State Objects’ on page 46
for information on History State objects.
fill selection of current document with contents history state 10¬
of current document
selRef.Fill docRef.HistoryStates(10)
Loading and Storing Selections
You can store Selection objects in, or load them from, Channel objects. To store a selection in a channel,
it should have its
kind (Kind/kind) property set to a type that indicates that channel holds a selected area:
selected area channel ( (psSelectedAreaAlphaChannel)/ ChannelType.SELECTEDAREA). The
following examples use the
store (Store/store()) command of the Selection object to store the
current selection in a channel named
My Channel and extend the selection with any selection that is
currently in that channel.
set myChannel to make new channel of current document with properties ¬
{name:"My Channel"}
store selection of current document into channel ¬
"My Channel" of current document combination type extended