Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Scripting Photoshop CS3 65
'use the Kind property of the Art Layers class to
'make the layer a text layer
newTextLayer.Kind = 2
newTextLayer.TextItem.Contents = helloWorldStr
newTextLayer.TextItem.Position = Array(0.75, 1)
newTextLayer.TextItem.Size = 36
newTextLayer.TextItem.Color = textColor
2. Run the complete script. Be patient while Photoshop CS3 executes your commands one by one.
3. After viewing the document in Photoshop CS3, close the document without saving it.
Note: Look up the following classes in the Adobe Photoshop CS3 Visual Basic Scripting Reference, or in the
Visual Basic Object Browser to see if you understand how you used them in this script:
● SolidColor
● ArtLayer
➤ To create and specify details in a text item:
1. Type the following code into the HelloWorldDoc script immediately before the statements at the end
of the file that restore original preferences.
//create a reference to the active document
docRef = app.activeDocument
//create a variable named textColor
//create a SolidColor object whose color is red
//assign the object to textColor
textColor = new solidColor
textColor.rgb.red = 255
textColor.rgb.green = 0
textColor.rgb.blue = 0
helloWorldText = "Hello, World!"
//create a variable named newTextLayer
//use the add() method of the artLayers class to create a layer object
//assign the object to newTextLayer
newTextLayer = docRef.artLayers.add()
//use the kind property of the artLayer class to make the layer a text layer
newTextLayer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT
newTextLayer.textItem.contents = helloWorldText
newTextLayer.textItem.position = Array(0.75, 1)
newTextLayer.textItem.size = 36
newTextLayer.textItem.color = textColor
2. Save the script, and then open Photoshop CS3 and select the script from the Scripts menu (choose File
> Script > HelloWorldDoc). Be patient while Photoshop CS3 executes your commands one by one.
3. After viewing the document in Photoshop CS3, close Photoshop CS3 without saving the document.