Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Scripting Photoshop CS3 70
set theSelRegion to {{theDocWidthInPixels / 2, 0},¬
{theDocWidthInPixels, 0}, ¬
{theDocWidthInPixels, theDocHeightInPixels}, ¬
{theDocWidthInPixels / 2, theDocHeightInPixels}, ¬
{theDocWidthInPixels / 2, 0}}
select theDocRef region theSelRegion combination type replaced
filter current layer of theDocRef using motion blur ¬
with options {class:motion blur, angle:45, radius:5}
deselect theDocRef
2. Choose Run to run the script.
Note: Look up the
motion blur class in the Adobe Photoshop CS3 AppleScript Scripting Reference, or in the
Photoshop CS3 AppleScript Dictionary to see if you understand how you used it in this script:
➤ To apply a motionblur filter to HelloWorldDoc:
1. Type the following code into the script file HelloWorldDoc just above the statements that restore
original preferences.
docRef.Selection.Select Array(Array(docWidthInPixels / 2, 0), _
Array(docWidthInPixels, 0), _
Array(docWidthInPixels, docHeightInPixels), _
Array(docWidthInPixels / 2, docHeightInPixels), _
Array(docWidthInPixels / 2, 0))
newTextLayer.ApplyMotionBlur 45, 5
2. Double click on the file in Windows Explorer to run the script.
Note: Look up the
ArtLayer class: ApplyMotionBlur method in the Adobe Photoshop CS3 Visual Basic
Scripting Reference, or in the Visual Basic Object Browser to see if you understand how you used it in
this script:
➤ To apply a motionblur filter to HelloWorldDoc:
1. Type the following code into the script file HelloWorldDoc just above the statements that restore
original preferences.
//change the value of selRegion to the other half of the document
selRegion = Array(Array(docWidthInPixels / 2, 0),
Array(docWidthInPixels, 0),
Array(docWidthInPixels, docHeightInPixels),
Array(docWidthInPixels / 2, docHeightInPixels),
Array(docWidthInPixels / 2, 0))
newTextLayer.applyMotionBlur(45, 5)