Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Action Manager 76
DIM id9
id9 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID( "Embs" )
DIM desc4
SET desc4 = CreateObject( "Photoshop.ActionDescriptor" )
DIM id10
id10 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID( "Angl" )
Call desc4.PutInteger( id10, 135 )
DIM id11
id11 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID( "Hght" )
Call desc4.PutInteger( id11, 3 )
DIM id12
id12 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID( "Amnt" )
Call desc4.PutInteger( id12, 100 )
Call objApp.ExecuteAction( id9, desc4, dialogMode )
Note: ScriptListener separates logged commands with horizontal lines composed of equal signs (====...).
If this is not the first action recorded in the log, you can easily locate the most recent action; it
follows the final equal sign line.
2. Copy the VBScript code associated with the emboss action from
ScriptListenerVB.log to another
file, called
3. In the
emboss.vbs script, identify the values that you used with the filter (135, 3, and 100). Substitute
the filter specification values with variable names.
In the following example,
135 has been replaced with angle, 3 has been replaced with height, and 100
has been replaced with
DIM objApp
SET objApp = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
REM Use dialog mode 3 for show no dialogs
DIM dialogMode
dialogMode = 3
DIM id9
id9 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID( "Embs" )
DIM desc4
SET desc4 = CreateObject( "Photoshop.ActionDescriptor" )
DIM id10
id10 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID( "Angl" )
Call desc4.PutInteger( id10, angle)
DIM id11
id11 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID( "Hght" )
Call desc4.PutInteger( id11, height )
DIM id12
id12 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID( "Amnt" )
Call desc4.PutInteger( id12, amount )
Call objApp.ExecuteAction( id9, desc4, dialogMode )
4. Wrap the code in a VBScript function. In the following example, the function name is Emboss. The
creation of the Photoshop application object needs to be outside of the function, as we will explain in
the next step.
DIM objApp
SET objApp = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Function Emboss( angle, height, amount )
REM Use dialog mode 3 for show no dialogs
DIM dialogMode
dialogMode = 3
DIM id9