Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Scripting Photoshop CS3 26
‘ This example assumes docRef is already the ActiveDocument
Dim theChannels
theChannels = Array(docRef.Channels(0), docRef.Channels(2))
docRef.ActiveChannels = theChannels
Alternatively, select all component channels using the ComponentChannels property of the Document
appRef.ActiveDocument.ActiveChannels= _
Set the active channels to the first and third channel using a channel array:
theChannels = new Array(docRef.channels[0], docRef.channels[2])
docRef.activeChannels = theChannels
Alternatively, select all component channels by using the componentChannels property of the Document
app.activeDocument.activeChannels =
Opening a Document
You use the open/Open/open() command of the Application object to open an existing document. You
must specify the document name (that is, the path to the file that contains the document) with the
Opening a File with Default File Format
Because Photoshop CS3 supports many different file formats, the open/Open/open() command lets you
specify the format of the document you are opening. If you do not specify the format, Photoshop CS3
infers the type of file for you, which is called the file’s default format. The following examples open a
document by inferring the most appropriate format to use:
set theFile to alias "Applications:Documents:MyFile"
open theFile
fileName = "C:\MyFile"
Set docRef = appRef.Open(fileName)
var fileRef = File(app.path + "/Samples/Fish.psd")
var docRef = app.open(fileRef)
Notice that in JavaScript, you must create a File object and then pass a reference to the object to the
open() command.