Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Scripting Photoshop CS3 52
The following script, which assumes an RGB color model, gets the foreground color and then uses the
convert command of the color class to convert the color to its CMYK equivalent.
get foreground color
convert color foreground color to CMYK
Look up the following in the Adobe Photoshop CS3 AppleScript Scripting Reference or in the Photoshop CS3
AppleScript Dictionary:
● In the “Objects” section, the foreground color property of the class application
● In the “Commands” section, convert
The following script uses an If Then statement and the model property of the SolidColor object to
determine the color model in use. The
If Then statement returns a SolidColor object; if it returns an RGB
object, the
cmyk property of the SolidColor object then allows you to access the color with its CMYK
Dim someColor
If (someColor.model = 2) Then
'someColor.model = 2 indicates psColorModel --> 2 (psRGBModel)
End If
Look up the following in the Adobe Photoshop CS3 Visual Basic Scripting Reference, or in the Visual Basic
Object Browser:
● model and cmyk as properties of the SolidColor object
This example uses the foregroundColor property of the Application object to get the original color to
be converted. The
cmyk property of the SolidColor object that foregroundColor refers to provides a
way to access the cmyk equivalent of the rgb color.
var someColor = foregroundColor.cmyk
Look up the following in the Adobe Photoshop CS3 JavaScript Scripting Reference, or in the ExtendScript
Object Model Viewer:
● cmyk as a property of the SolidColor object
● foregroundColor as a property of the Application object
Comparing Colors
Using the equal colors (IsEqual/isEqual) command, you can compare colors. The following
statements return
true if the foreground color is visually equal to background color.
● AS: if equal colors foreground color with background color then
● VBS: If (appRef.ForegroundColor.IsEqual(appRef.BackgroundColor)) Then
● JS: if (app.foregroundColor.isEqual(backgroundColor))
Getting a Web Safe Color
To convert a color to a web safe color use the web safe color command on AppleScript and the
NearestWebColor/nearestWebColor property of the SolidColor object for VBScript and JavaScript.