A p p e n d i c e s
Hard Disk
A spinning platter of magnetic data storage
media where the platter is very stiff.
Hard Drive
The hardware which spins the stiff disk of mag-
netic material and has the heads and control
circuitry for reading and writing the data on
the disk as well as the disk itself.
A decimal notation for the value of a 4 bit
binary number. (0-9,A, B, C, D, E, F)
Example: 2F in hexadecimal = 00101111
in binary = 47 in decimal.
Input/Output. Data entering and leaving your
computer in electronic form.
I/O Port
The connector and associated control circuits
for data entering and leaving your computer in
electronic form.
Intelligent Drive Electronics.A type of control
interface for a hard disk drive which is inside
the hard disk drive unit.
The amount of resistance to the flow of
electric current.
Light just beyond the red portion of the visible
light spectrum which is invisible to humans.
An abbreviation for infrared.
Infrared Data Association. An organization
which produces standards for communication
using infrared as the carrier.
Interrupt Request. An acronym for the hard-
ware signal to the CPU that an external event
has occurred which needs to be processed.
1,024 bytes (2 raised to the tenth power).
K56flex Modem
The modem protocol co-authored by Lucent
and Rockwell that enables high speed internet
downloads over standard telephone lines.
Traditional modems assume that both ends
of a modem communication have an analog
connection to the public switched telephone
network.K56flex takes advantage of the
situation with one end of the communication
being a high speed digital connection.
Local Area Network. An interconnection of
computers and peripherals within a single
limited geographic location which can pass
programs and data amongst themselves.