U s i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s
LifeBook 900 Series from Fujitsu
If your notebook is active when you
enter the Suspend mode or Save-to-Disk
mode, changes to open files are not lost.
The files are left open and memory is
kept active during Suspend mode or the
memory is transferred to the internal
hard drive during Save-to-Disk mode.
PowerPanel by Phoenix Technologies provides
Windows 95 desktop access to a comprehensive
combination of power management settings
without entering the BIOS setup utility.
The PowerPanel icon looks like an atom with
its cloud of electrons. This icon will open the
PowerPanel menu.You can view the menu in
icon format along the edge of your desktop by
moving the cursor against the edge where you
have chosen to keep your PowerPanel toolbar
and letting it sit there until the toolbar appears.
(The default position for the toolbar is the left
side of the screen, but you can move it to
whichever edge you like by dragging.)
The power management toolbar has ten power
profile choices and six activation choices.
When you switch to AC powered operation the
PowerPanel toolbar will automatically change to
indicate AC power operation and will show the
AC Power profile as active.
The profiles are groups of system settings
designed to fit power operation to specific user
operating conditions. The activations are short-
cut ways to turn on specific power management
features of your notebook. Some of the profiles
can be edited and saved from the PowerPanel
application, some can be edited and saved from
the BIOS setup utility and only viewed from
PowerPanel,and some are factory set and can
only be viewed from either PowerPanel or the
BIOS setup utility.
The profile choices are:
(This group is factory set.)
Maximum Battery Life.
Maximum Performance.
Power Management Off.
(This one is set only from the
BIOS setup utility.)
Custom Settings.
If you are running your notebook on
battery power, be aware that the battery
continues to discharge while your note-
book is in Suspend mode, though not as
fast as when fully operational. With a fully
charged internal Lithium ion battery the
Suspend mode will maintain your status
for 24 hours or more.