Clearance for Electrid tinnection
me tie voltagemustnot exceed the rated
voltage.tie voltageless thanthe ratedvoltage
W resultinslowheating.The wiringsystem
conformsto the UnderwritersLaboratories,hc.
standardsad the NationalElectrid Code.The
initiation mustconformto dl led, municipal
andstatebtiding codes, NECandlocrdutifity
regulations.This rangemust be connectedonly
to a supplycircuitas specifiedon the nameplate
locatedonthe frontframeofthe range.The
outietmustbe mountedon thefloororWW
withinshadedarea.See the Uustrationabovefor
the electrid connectionclearancearea.
step 4
beating the Range Termti Block
me connectionblockis lo=ted attie bottomrear
ofthe rangebehindthe rearcoverpanel.Remove
the rearcoverscrew.Directiybelowthe terminal
blockis aholeforapowersupplyservicecord,not
suppfiedwiththe range.
we @_. block is a ro~&fr~pper
we connetion ody,
wiring. Haluminumhouse wiringis to be
connected,the fo~owingprocedureis suggested.
1. Connectthe len
of copperbtiding wireto
the rangeterminal lockwithringterminals.
2. Spticethecopperwirestothe aluminum~g
using connectorswhicharedesignedcertifiedby
UnderwritersLaboratoriesandrecomd for
joiningcopperto aluminum.FOUOWthe connector
manufactured recommendedprocedure.
3. The wireused, locationandenclosureof
spficesmustconformto lod codes.
Reqtiements for Power Cords
N~: Onlya powercordsuitableforuse with
rangesmaybe used. For instigation in a mobfle
home, or area where localcodes do not permit
grounding tiough the neutral terrnind, a Awire
cord must be used.
Power cord must be U.L.fisted and meet NEC
and MobileHome Manufacturers Association
Standards. The cord must be rated at a minimum
250V40AM~ equipped with a plug configuration
in accordance with NEMA and conductors must
end with closed loop (ring) terminals at the
range. ~ee conductor cord plug NE~
l&50P dewed for residentid) @our conductor
cord plug NEMA l&50P allowedfor most
mobilehome instigations but can be used for
The range has been grounded at the factory to
the center (nickelplated) terminal ofthe
terminal block in accordance with the National
Electrid Code (section 2560).men a separate
ground is required by localcode, disconnect the
grounding strap from the terminal block, (see
the below ~ustration). Ground the frame
connectinga groundingwireto the rangeframe
the groundingstrap.