GE JSP69 Cooktop User Manual

Ethe ventilationsystem is not operating
correcfly check the fo~owingitems.
1. Do the ductig pieces look We the examples
in the Duct kn@ Chart? The system should be
constructed using the examples shown in the
Duct hngth Chart The ductwork should not
exceed W equivalentfeet.
2. Were two elbows used together to get around
a floorjoist or w~ stud?Two elbows should not
be insta~ed together. They willcreate a poor
vent path.
3. Hcooking odors are fikefig back into the
house, answer the fo~owingquestions. Was the
system vented outside?Was the system vented
into the attic or a crawl space?me system must
be vented outside.Are dl ofthe duct joints
sealed with duct tape?Mljoints must be sealed
with duct tape.
4. Was flexibleducting used in the initiation?
flexible plastic ducting should not be used. E
flexiblemeti ducting is used, each bend should
be counted as two meti duct elbows.A flexible
meti duct must be cddated as twice the length
ofstraight 6“meti
5. Doesthe ske ofthe ductig change?M
ductingshouldbe the samesk.
6. Is the ductingclearofd foreignmatter?
Clearentireducting.Foreignmatterin ducting
W restrictairflow.
7. Hasa pieceofductingcollapsed?Replace
8. Is there a draftin the rangearea?Try to
e~ate the draftandcheckthe operation.
9. Howhighabovethegroundisthe wdl cap?H
the capistoocloseto the ground,airvelocity
d bounceoffthe groundandreturn intothe
WMcap,restrictingthe exhaustflow.
Disconnectthe electricalsupplyat the house
2. Disconnectthe rangeventing.
3. Unplugthe powersupplycord.
4. Removethe anti-tipbracket
5. Insti the anti-tipbracketintothe
locationusing the instructions provided with
the bracket
6. To replace the range foflowthe hstilation