Henny Penny OG-30X Fryer User Manual

All-model fryers have a drain microswitch in line with the gas
valve or heat contactor. When the drain valve is opened to
drain the shortening, this causes the drain switch to open, shut-
ting down the gas to the burners or electrical power to
Disconnect power supplied to the.unit by unplugging
the power cord, or turning off the wall circuit breaker
or fuse. Be aware that the other controls will have
power on electric models, or electrical shock could
1. Remove the two screws and nuts securing the switch and
switch cover.
2. Label and disconnect wires to microswitch.
3. Check for continuity on the two outside terminals. With
plunger extended, the circuit should be closed, when the
plunger is pushed down, the circuit should be open.
4. To replace drain switch, attach wires to new switch.
5. Position plunger and attach drain switch & switch cover
with the nuts and screws.
6. Test to see if valve extension rod actuates the switch.
Listen for a click while rotating drain valve extension rod.