Jenn-Air SVD48600 Kitchen Grill User Manual

The built-inventilationsystemremovescookingvapors,odorsandsmoke fromfoodsprepared
on the eooktop, grill and grill accessories. Regular use of this system will insure a more
comfortableand lesshumidkitchenwhichisfree ofheavycookingodorsandfumesthat normally
create a frequentneed for cleaningand redecorating.
The downdraft ventilationsystem features a twospeed fan.
The fan positionsare: Hi, Lo, and Off. To turn on the
ventilationsystem,touchtheFan Pad. The fanwillcomeon
at the Hi speed. To set on Lo speed, touchthe Fan Pad
(once from Hi setting ortwice from the Off position).
A beep will soundevery Umethe Fan Pad is touched.
To turnthe ventilationsystemOff, touchthe Fan Pad (once from Lo speed ortwicefrom
Duringgrilling,the fan speed isautomaticallysetfortheHi settingANDcannotbechanged
to Lo speed.
UsetheHifanspeedforcapturingsteam. Use Lofanspeedforcapturingsmokewhen
pan frying.
Besidesusingtheventilationsystemtoremovecookingvaporsandfumes, itcanbeused
to coolbaked piesorcakes. To cool anitem, setitonthe airgrilleand turnonthefan. The
airbeing pulledoverthe item willquicklycool it. Becareful not tocover the ovenvent or
the entireair grille.
Air Grille
The air grille lifts offeasily. Wipe clean orwash insinkwithmildhouseholddetergents. Itmay
be cleanedinthe dishwasher. Note: The ovenvent islocatedunder theairgrille. When using
orcleaningtheoven,hotand moistairmay benoticedinthisarea. Be carefulnottospillanything
intothisvent. Remove theair grillebefore self-cleaning the oven. (See p. 40.)
Turn offventilationsystembeforeremoving. The filterisa permanent --
typeandshouldbe cleanedwhensoiled.Cleaninsinkwithwarmwater
and liquiddishwashingdetergent or indishwasher. Important: DO
placed at an angle. As youface the frontof the range, the top ofthe
filtershoutdrestagainstthe leftside oftheventopeningand the bottom
of the filter should rest against the right side of the ventilation chamber at the bottom.
Ventilation Chamber
This area,whichhousesthefilter,shouldbe cleanedinthe eventof spillsorwheneveritbecomes
coatedwitha filmof grease.Theventilationchambermaybecleanedwithpapertowel,dampcloth,