Grill Burner
Follow instructions on page 17 for removing the grin burner. The ,grill bumer should be
cleaned after each use. it can be cleaned with a soapy S.O.S. pad or in the dishwasher.
Rinse and drythoroughly before using again. For heavy soil, burner should be cleaned
first with a soapy S.O.S. pad, rinsed and dried. Then it can be cleaned in a self-clean
oven for 2 hours.
NOTE: Check to be sure all burner ports are open. To open clogged ports, insert a ]
toothpick directly into each port.
Porcelain Burner Basin
This area located under the grill and surface burners. Clean after each use of the grill.
• To remove lightsoil,clean with soapywater orwith cleansers such as Fantastik or409.
For easier cleanup: a) spray with a household cleanser; b) cover with paper towels;
c) add small amount of water to keep the paper towels moist; d) cover and wait 15
minutes; and e) wipeclean.
• To remove moderate soit, scrub with Comet, Bon Ami, a soft scrub cleanser or plastic
• To remove stubborn soil, spray with an oven cleaner, let soak overnight, wipe clean,
rinseand dry.
Note: Clean the grease drain aftereach use. To clean: Pour about _/3cup of very hottap
water mixed with t teaspoon dish detergent down the drain. In theevent the drain isclogged,
due to large food particles being trapped, use the nylon string that was packaged with your
range. To use the nylon string, simply insert one end into the drain opening in the basin pan.
Feed the nylon string down until it isvisible under the range. Now pull upon the end extending
out from the top while holding e paper towel around the string, toclean the string as it isbeing
pulled. This should free any trapped particles of food. Pour another V3cup of very hot water
mixed with dish detergent to assure the drain is opened and clear.
Grease Container
The container is located on the left side behind the bottom access panel, underneath the
range. (See page 48 for openingaccess paneL) Itcollects grease and other liquidscreated
whilegrillingorusingsome ofthe accessories. Check eachtime after grillingand emptywhen
grease isnoticeable. To remove, simply graspthe handle, and pullfromthe bracket holding
the container.
over. If this should happen, the grease witl flow over the
container and onto the floor. The container and screw-on
handle can be washed in hot,soapy water or inthe dishwasher.
The container can be replaced with any heat tempered jar,
such as a canning jar, which has a standard screw neck.