_ _m_ _T!_......................
*Omitsteps5 & 6 ifyouwantbakingtostartimmediately.
To set oven to start immediately and shut off automatically
1. Touch Bake Pad or Convect Bake Pad or Convect Roast Pad.
indicatorWordsBAKEorCONV BAKEor CONV ROASTwillflashandthreedashes
will be shown.
2. Touchthe appropriatenumberpads for desiredoventemperature.
After five secondsthe oven will begin to preheat. The IndicatorWords ON,
PREHEAT,andBAKEorCONV BAKEorCONV ROASTwillappearinthe Display,
The temperatureshownwill be 100°or the temperatureof theoven, whicheveris
higher. Example: If at 10 o'clockyousetthe ovenfor350°forconvectionbaking,
the Displaywillshow:
Duringthe preheat,the Displaywill show a risein 5° incrementsuntil programmed
temperatureis reached. Whenthe ovenis preheated,the ovenwillbeep, the ON
and PREHEAT IndicatorWordswill gooff,and pmgremmedoventemperaturewitl
bedisplayed.Important: WheneverON appearsintheDisplay,theovenisheating.
3. Touch Cook Time Pad.
IndicatorWordsCOOK TIME willflash and Displaywillshow "0 HR:00".
4. Touch the appropriate number pads to enter cooking hours in five minute
increments.Hoursaretoleftofcolonandminutesto rightofsolon.(Allowablerange
is 5 minutes to 11 hours and55 minutes.) Example: If cookingtime selectedfor
the oven is2 hoursand 30 minutes,the Displaywillshow:
After five seconds,the time of day returnsto the Display.
Important: Oven will preheat for approximately7 to 11 minutes. At end of
programmedCook Time, oven will shut off automaticallyand retained heat will
continueto cookthefood, Clockcontrolledcookingis notrecommendedfor baked
items that requirea preheatedoven, suchas cakes, cookies,pies, breads. For
these foods,placefoodin preheatedoven,then useTimerto signalendof baking
At the end ofprogrammedCook Time, theoven willshut offautomaticallyand a
chimewill be heardfourtimes and "End"will appearinthe Display. If ovenis not
cancelled,"End"will remainin theDisplayandtherewitlbe onechimeeveryminute
for ten minutes,