Whenthe clean functionhasbeen completed,the IndicatorWordsCLEANand ON
has cooleddownand thedoor has unlocked.
To set oven to start cleaning at a later time
1-3. Follow Steps 1-3 inprevioussectionon page 41.
4. Touch Stop Time Pad.
IndicatorWords STOP TIME willflashinthe Display. The IndicatorWord CLEAN
and the calculatedstoptime willalso appear in Display.
5. Touchthe appropriatenumberpadsto enter stoptime.
A stoptimecanonlybe acceptedforlaterinthe day. Ifan unacceptablestoptime
isentered,"Err"willflashbrieflyinthe DisplayandthenDisplaywillreturntoprevious
Example; If at 9 o'clockyou set the ovento cleanforthree hours,the calculated
stoptimewouldbe "12:00". The Displaywouldshow:
If you want the stoptime to be 1 o'clock,touchthe numberpads "1,0,0". Five
secondslater,the Display wouldshowstarttime:
_AAT 11E eLFiN
After five seconds, the Displaywill returnto current time of day, thus showing:
_P=O CtE_
The LOCK IndicatorWord will come onand the coolingfan will gooff as soonas
the oven doorhaslatched.
Whentheovenbeginstoclean,the IndicatorWordON andthecoolingfan willcome
onand the IndicatorWord DELAY willgo off.
When thecleantimehasbeencompleted,the IndicatorWordsCLEANandON will
gooff. The IndicatorWordLOCK andthe coolingfan willremainon untiltheoven
has cooleddownandthe doorhas unlocked.