Jenn-Air SVD48600 Kitchen Grill User Manual

Toachieveoptimumcookingperformanceusecookpotswithfiat bottomsandtightfitting
covers.F/ame size shou/d be adjusted so it does not extend beyond the edge of the
cookware. This instructionis basedonsafetyconsiderations.Adjustingthe sizeof the
flameto fit the size of the cookwarealsohelpsto savefuel.
Important: Leave a minimumof 1½"betweenside of pan and surroundingsurfaces,
suchascountertopbacksplashorside walls,to allowheat toescapetoavoid possible
damageto these areas.
Numinum cookwareheats evenlyand quickly. A slightlylargerflame size can be
used.Theflame canbeadjustedso itcornestothe edgeofthe cookware.However,
the flame shouldNEVER be adjustedso thatit extendsbeyondthe bottomof the
Stainlesssteelcookwarewith copper or aluminum cores heat evenly and fairly
quickly.The flamesizeshouldbe adjustedto extendonlyhalfway betweencenter
and edge of the cookwarebottom for best results.
Cast ironcookwareheatsslowly.
oncast iron,glass,glass-ceramic,earthenware,or other glazedcookpots.
If thecookwareis covered,lessfuelwillbe needed. Therefore,a lowerflame sizecan
be used.
Note; Food will notcook anyfaster when morethan the amountof heatneeded to
maintaina gentle boilis used.