Toachieveoptimumcookingperformanceusecookpotswithfiat bottomsandtightfitting
covers.F/ame size shou/d be adjusted so it does not extend beyond the edge of the
cookware. This instructionis basedonsafetyconsiderations.Adjustingthe sizeof the
flameto fit the size of the cookwarealsohelpsto savefuel.
Important: Leave a minimumof 1½"betweenside of pan and surroundingsurfaces,
suchascountertopbacksplashorside walls,to allowheat toescapetoavoid possible
damageto these areas.
• Numinum cookwareheats evenlyand quickly. A slightlylargerflame size can be
used.Theflame canbeadjustedso itcornestothe edgeofthe cookware.However,
the flame shouldNEVER be adjustedso thatit extendsbeyondthe bottomof the
• Stainlesssteelcookwarewith copper or aluminum cores heat evenly and fairly
quickly.The flamesizeshouldbe adjustedto extendonlyhalfway betweencenter
and edge of the cookwarebottom for best results.
• Cast ironcookwareheatsslowly.
• Checkmanufacturer'srecommendationsbeforeusingporcelainonsteel,porcelain
oncast iron,glass,glass-ceramic,earthenware,or other glazedcookpots.
If thecookwareis covered,lessfuelwillbe needed. Therefore,a lowerflame sizecan
be used.
Note; Food will notcook anyfaster when morethan the amountof heatneeded to
maintaina gentle boilis used.