• Use the Convect Roast Pad for best results.
• Preheating the oven is not necessary.
• Followpackagerecommendationsfor oventemperature,foil coveringand use of
cookiesheets. Cookingtimeswillbesimilar, Seechartbelowforsomeexceptions
and examples.
• Centerfoodsintheoven. If morethanonefooditemisbeingcookedoriffoodsare
beingcookedon multipleracks,staggerfoodsfor proper air circulation.
• Mostfoods are cookedon rack position#3o.
• For muffiple rack cooking,use racks #1, 3o and 4. However, pizzas should be
placedoncookiesheets and bakedon rack position#2o, 3 and 4.
Here are a few examples of times and temperatures
....... 9' _ ,KVE_ _0_ _i__
_._'_ =t_ i_ '_ '_i .... ,s,,_......................._J7_¢* _ _ _!_:__ ...." ...... i! _........
N!/ ) ....................... _! .........
O=........; _ ,,=
........ t
....... .... = , ,,x,
* An "o" after a rack numberimpliesthatthe offsetrack shouldbe used.
** Conventionalbake usesthe Bake Pad.
*** The times givenare basedon specificbrandsof mixesor recipestested. Actual
timeswill dependon the onesyou bake.
Note" Convectroastingtimeswillbe similartothe conventionaltimesbecausethe oven
is notpreheated. The time savingscomesfrom nothavingto preheatthe oven.