Setting Global Properties for an Object Type
Chapter 5 Managing Object Properties 117
8 (optional) In Other Properties, select the check boxes for the properties that you want
to use:
■ Enable Polling: periodically collects the device counters
■ Show Objects: displays the DLCIs in the navigation tree; if a DLCI appears as
gray in the tree, polling is disabled at the DLCI level
9 Click Apply Changes.
To Set Global Properties for VPs
1 In the Device Configuration portion of the navigation tree, click Global Properties.
The Global Properties object-type selection screen is displayed, as shown in
Figure 46 on page 111.
2 Select Vp and click OK.
The Vp Properties screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 50:
Figure 50 Vp Properties Screen (Global)
3 (optional) In Display Objects Containing, enter a string of characters to restrict the Vp
to the objects including this string in their name (you can use wildcard