Adding a PATROL DashBoard to the Corporate Edition Module
Chapter 9 Installing and Using PATROL DashBoard Corporate Edition 279
Adding a PATROL DashBoard to the Corporate
Edition Module
To include your PATROL DashBoard servers in the Corporate Edition module’s
management, you must tell the Corporate Edition module where the individual
PATROL DashBoard servers are located and add them to the Corporate Edition
module navigation tree.
To Add a PATROL DashBoard
In the PATROL DashBoard Corporate Edition navigation tree, right-click
DashBoards and choose New DashBoard.
2 In the DashBoard Creation screen, specify the following information:
■ In Server Name, specify the host name or the IP address of the PATROL
DashBoard server that will be supervised.
■ In Port Number, specify the port number for this server (default is 8000).
■ In Label, specify a label to be displayed for this server in the PATROL
DashBoard Corporate Edition navigation tree (the default is the same as
3 Click Create DashBoard.
Modifying the Properties of a PATROL
DashBoard from the Corporate Edition Module
1 In the PATROL DashBoard Corporate Edition navigation tree, expand DashBoards
and click the specific PATROL DashBoard for which you want to change the
2 In the DashBoard Properties screen, specify new properties for the particular
PATROL DashBoard server, as necessary:
■ Port Number
■ Label
3 (optional) To check for proper connection between the PATROL DashBoard and the
Corporate Edition module, click